City Ruins: Tribute to Fallout

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Defonten notified us of a piece of Matte Painting he had done as a tribute to Fallout:<blockquote>This is the concept I've been thinking about for a very long time really. But for various reasons only now I was able to quench my "Need For Fallout" thirst ;) Yes, I'm a huge fan of Fallout game and hence all of that post apocalyptic, you know, post nuclear stuff, which is extremely dear to my heart. So I thought it might be a good idea to draw something interesting that would express my love and passion for the sacred Title's philosophy :) I've been working on this for about 3 weeks (mostly erazing and correcting what was drawn previously) recalling good ol' times double clicking on fallout.exe and once again understanding that "war.. war never changes..</blockquote>Check it out, it's really, really good. Amazing, really.

Link: City Ruins
Link: City Ruins High Resolution
Link: City Ruins thread on NMA
A short poem entitled "Why this is frikkin' awesome"

The wind is blowing, blowing through the ruins.
It passes the broken buildings; the cars shine silver.
Where are you going, wind? Far, far away
Over the desert, to the edge of the world.
Take me with you, wind, high through the city.
I will go with you, I will be mutant-of-the-wind
Into the sky, the desert and the mutant.
The fallout is falling, falling on the ruins.
Destroying lives, humans, animals, everything.
Where are you going, fallout? Far, far away
Beyond the ruins, sliding away into the night.
Take me with you, Fallout, away into the starlight.
I will go with you, I will be mutant-of-fallout.
Down through the earth, the green glow and the mutant.

Seriously, awesomeness of quality, detail and everything aside, this image captures incredibly well what Fallout is all about. The feeling of being lost, the show of the world having stopped in its tracks. The radioactive dustbowl blowing though the dead world. But, incredibly, the 50's feeling is present in exactly the right amount in billboards and Nuke-Cola.

I applaud and laud the effort.

This absolutelyu beautiful, and it makes me want to go play Fallout again.
Brilliant stuff. And my new wallpaper.
Waw, just plain old 'waw'... That's indeed a real nice piece of work. What more is there to say? I feel dumb making a post like this, but I really wanted to show my appreciation.

Nice poem by the way, <strike>Cowslip</strike> Silverweed. ;)

EDIT: Wasn't sure that was the right name. Looked it up.
Aaaawwwwww.... the detail.. the colors...
Even the fallout poster made it into the image...
Nuka cola, golden gecko... amazing!
it's just so terrible good! gaah.... can't stop starring at this precious piece of art!
Spawn of Santa - Thank you very very much :) I am glad You like it! And thanks for posting this in News section. I appreciate it! Poem is great, indeed. Saved it as a text file :)

Sander - I'm really glad you made it a wallpaper :)

clercqer - thanks! I appreciate your comments!

monsharen - Thank you very much! I'm extremely glad you like it :)

Fallout community is the Best. Definitely!
Sander said:
This absolutelyu beautiful, and it makes me want to go play Fallout again.
Brilliant stuff. And my new wallpaper.

Except I've been playing fallout. Not much, but trying out the new patch/mod.
Wow, just wow. I haven't used a destop background since Windows 95, but I feel compelled to populate my destop with this exquisite piece of art.

How about you apply at Bethesda - then there's at least ONE part of the game were we'll be sure about the required quality.

Awesome job !
Phil said:

How about you apply at Bethesda - then there's at least ONE part of the game were we'll be sure about the required quality.

Awesome job !
Agreed. Hell, if Beth's Fallout could put a player into that image's environment, it would be a giant step closer to being truly Fallouty.
Eeeecelent. It's like you traveled to the Fallout Universe with a digital camera and brought back a snapshot.
One thing... (other than that it's blooidy perfect!)

The shadows are too light at "First Lady saves DC" sign/area. When compared to the other buildings in the picture.

I like the idea and everything. I was going to make a twister/post-apoc picture myself...gotta skip the twister now :D

Grrrreat work!
Free Gift Card
Details, colours, design, perspective, everything, just perfect.
Anyway got you any other pictures? I want see them all, even if not fallouthy. Already i can say that you are better than Royo!!
I notice the distinctive arches on a building in the center foreground; they are the same as the ones on the World Trade Center. Nice touch to a superb piece of art.

Hats off to Defonten!



Thats just...incomprehensibly beautiful! Its overall level of quality is amazing and being that its Fallout themed...I...

(Bows before Defonten),
The Vault Dweller