First time out of the vault

You are correct, that was it. It works now, thank you.
I got F1 and F2 from Steam. I got Fallout Et Tu from the "Latest Release Package" Link from here. I never bothered with anything sfall manually, so I am probably using the one included there.
When I originally set up F1, I installed Et Tu exactly as instructed and the message about the HRP was kinda confusing on first start, so I just hit "Yes". Now, I just pulled the original .exe from the archive, set AllowDShowMovies=1, launched it, hit "No" on start and it worked: Upscaled videos with subtitles. HiResMode=0 removes the warning message just as you suggested. Verified working both in Intro and Overseer Intro.
I am not familiar with the different approaches towards attaining higher resolutions. Are there upsides/downsides to using sfall's or mash's? Is one more prones to bugs? Are effects different? Why does such a problem exist in the release version of Et Tu?
I got F1 and F2 from Steam. I got Fallout Et Tu from the "Latest Release Package" Link from here. I never bothered with anything sfall manually, so I am probably using the one included there.
When I originally set up F1, I installed Et Tu exactly as instructed and the message about the HRP was kinda confusing on first start, so I just hit "Yes". Now, I just pulled the original .exe from the archive, set AllowDShowMovies=1, launched it, hit "No" on start and it worked: Upscaled videos with subtitles. HiResMode=0 removes the warning message just as you suggested. Verified working both in Intro and Overseer Intro.
I am not familiar with the different approaches towards attaining higher resolutions. Are there upsides/downsides to using sfall's or mash's? Is one more prones to bugs? Are effects different? Why does such a problem exist in the release version of Et Tu?
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