No, I meant the second Enclave talking head Risewild posted. His head movement is close to MCA's headbop.Second one? (with a talking head?)
I only know of the one PA suited Enclave; is there a helmet-less enclave in one of the mods?

No, I meant the second Enclave talking head Risewild posted. His head movement is close to MCA's headbop.Second one? (with a talking head?)
I only know of the one PA suited Enclave; is there a helmet-less enclave in one of the mods?
This took a while because it's not easy to find a Fallout 1 .DAT Extractor that works (FO1 .DAT files have a different compression from the ones from FO2).i would suck ur dick if u could get killians talking head animation
I would also suck ur dick if you could do the female Vault dweller burst firing a SMG, and Sulik's sledgehammer idle animation sprites.
That will require gif editing. I hate gif editing (have to edit tons of pics at once and keep them still forming a smooth animation), but I will see what I can do later.We need the second Enclave soldier talking head with the MCA headphones.
Copy that, sir.Ok, I gave this a sticky with big BOLD LETTERS so people can see it. I forgot where it was posted.
Don't make more work for yourself than you need to Rise. Do the easy shit first. We don't want to burn you out. Got a lot of miles to get out of you yet. Haha.
Copy that, sir.![]()
New Batch (including some of the suggestions by TorontRayne):
Giant Scorpion:
Death Scenes:
@TorontRayne I am looking at the FOT sprites, but they are .spr files and it will take ages to decompress them so it might take a while before I can see what I can do about it.
Oops... Forgot to upload the Lieutenant Talking Heads:
Careful, if you abuse your slave.... Unpredictable things might happen:THIS FUCKING GUY!
Please. This is why when you see talent that doesn't want to work you use slave labor. As a result this is now how we refer to Risewild.
Careful, if you abuse your slave.... Unpredictable things might happen:
You really don't want to know. I use an old fashioned and a lot of work method to do this, all because I can't remember the name of easier tools to do the job.
Basically I use FrameAnimator to extract the frames as BMP files, then I use photoshop to get rid of the blue backgrounds, then I use photoshop to create an animated gif file and "save for web & devices". It takes a ridiculous amount of time and effort. But I am sure there is at least a program that can do it automatically, but I can't remember the damn name of it... I remember using it ages ago and it was so damn easy.
Gimme a couple of days, now that I am in the mood to make gifs again, I will definitely want to find that program again and so I will spend a lot of time searching the dark and dusty corners of the internet for it, because I don't want to spend another couple days to make this amount of gifs again, specially when I know there is a much easier way. If I find it, I will come by and share it (maybe I can even upload it to NMA files).
Good News! I found it!
It's called "Titanium FRM Browser". It was hard to find a working download for it, old NMA used to have it but the link is dead, so I uploaded it here.
It's really easy now, all you have to do is open any FRM file (right click on the empty window and choose open, for example), and right click anywhere on the window and pick "save as" and "GIF animation". Anyone can make animated gifs now super easily. It also makes a GIF animation of ALL positions/directions (up, down, left, right, and diagonals) at once.
I think you might need a DAT extractor that works for Fallout 2 though. I have no idea which one I used to extract the files from the DAT archive, because I had to find different ones for FO1, FO2 and FOT and I extracted those ages ago. My memory sucks...![]()
When I say my memory sucks, it's no exaggeration. Sometimes I forget stuff 15 minutes after happening
KA DAT extractor for Fallout, DAT Explorer for Fallout 2.What tools are used to extract and more importantly convert to .gif ?