Fallout 2 mod Classic mod recommendation for die-hard Fallout fan


First time out of the vault
Completed stuff:
1) Fallout 1 Fixit
2) Fallout Resurrection 1.5
3) Fallout 2 Restoration Project + bit of MiB88 Megamod
4) Fallout Nevada
5) Fallout Sonora
6) Olympus 2077

Liked them all! Is there any quality non-alpha mod left on Earth which stay unnoticed for me? Your thoughts on this.
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If you're into replaying Fallout1 on Fallout2 engine with NPC pushing and a drivable vehicle try "Fallout: Et Tu" an Fo1toFo2 conversion here on NMA.

Also if You're not discouraged by some bugs and lack of HRP edges for FHD resolution You may also try "Last Hope Mod by Forgotten Knight". This one is really neat as this TC mod lacks coverage in mass media I literally haven't found a single yt playthrough or a walkthrough of this mod, so there are literally no spoilers (even if you want some), besides maybe few threads on this forum. Mod is complete story-wise however it lacks polishing in terms of bug squashing, so I wouldn't call it *alpha* development stage, like Fo:Yesterday (the Fo2 engine VanBurren recreation) is right now for example.

W8 did You get Fo:Sonora and Olympus 2077 English translation somwhere?, and *are* hiding their existence from this portal? If so please spoil the beans and share your sources :p as *All of us here* are eagerly waiting for english version of those mods. For example I'm so desperate I even Hooked up to the team that is currently translating Fo:Sonora to English.
I'm Russian. So Nevada, Sonora, Olympus 2077 playthroughs were on Russian.
Fallout 1/2 in English. Translations very often spoil the whole atmosphere.
I have a more complete list there, (due for updates) but if you are looking for more curated content, you can give a try to the following.

- Last Hope : One of the biggest total conversions for Fallout 2. But it is older, less advertized and sometime confusing, so people tend to overlook it.
- Shattered Destiny : This one is kind of short, but very well done. I hope Lexx will release a longer Total Conversion some day.
- Global Mod : Another mod like Megamod, but this one is in russian.
- Oblivion Lost : An expansion for Fallout 2 focused on the Stalker universe.

If you don't mind demos, you can also give a shot to Ardent's mod, Mutants Rising, Fallout: Yesterday,
Thanks for very comprehensive suggestions i'll check them out, for sure!

Interested in Last Hope, but people saying that it's quite buggy.