
  1. Alphons

    New Vegas Quest mods- Discussion and reviews

    During my latest NV playthrough that I've started in 2022 I have decided to check out as many quest mods as it was reasonably possible (thanks to stable installation via Viva New Vegas the answer was around 200)- from the small single quests to major projects that add entire new worldspaces with...
  2. Resardiv

    Ready for another Adventure

    I do believe it is time to play New Vegas again. The last time I played was before I upgraded my PC and changed CPU, GPU, storage and motherboard, which unfortunately bricked the save. My only other Fallout exposure has been when I played Fallout One with the FIXT-mod and a lot of Hearts of Iron...
  3. TheKingofVault14

    Lost New Vegas Mod Recovered, Plus Fred Durst's Approval For It.

    NGL, this is probably the best & strangest thing I've seen so far this week. And it's only Monday! :look: So to briefly recap on what's going here, back in the mid 2010s there was a New Vegas Mod that let you recruit Limp Bizkit Frontman Fred Durst as a companion, pretty much the entirety of...
  4. Drifter Davie

    Fallout 1 mod can you mod a custom companion?

    Hello, I am new to making Fallout mods, I was wondering if it were possible to make a custom companion and if it was easy to do. If not, is it possible to Rename a companion to whatever I want, I would like to record a let's play with my friend and act like he were the companion. Since I am a...
  5. EnclaveRebirth

    Constructible Guards Patch for Fallout 4

    Now you can guard your settlements with Enclave Overhaul guards, Super Mutant guards, Raider guards with this patch for bryvood's Constructible Guard's mod! Get it @ Nexus: Watch video: What does the mod do? First and foremost...
  6. TheAnimeHunter

    Modders Resource Thread

    This is a thread dedicated to posting and talking about Modders Resources. What is a Modders Resource? It's basically a mod that anybody can recycle for their own mods without needing to ask the original creator of the mod permission to re-use their mod. Think of it like something in the public...
  7. Irradiated Rat

    Fallout 2 Modded: Starting Tips?

    Hey there fellow wastelanders, I've just completed Fallout 1 and am excited to move on to Fallout 2. As with every older game I intend to jump into however, I made sure to do my research first. That being said, I'd still like some help and suggestions for making sure I set myself up for the...
  8. D

    Any big upcoming mods to keep an eye out for?

    With Fallout: The Frontier being what it is, and Fallout: New California done, are there any big mods for New Vegas on the horizon? I know of 2, maybe. Rust City, which goes to San Fran. And The Star Wars mod, which takes the courier to...Star Wars. But is there anything else? That voice mod...
  9. Sn1p3r187

    Any great mods you would consider canon in the Falloutverse?

    I have a few. For Fallout 1/2 Id be willing to consider Fallout Sonora and 1.5 Resurrection as being canon to the main story even though they may not be seen as such. For Fallout New Vegas. Definitely all of the Someguyseries mods and Th3Overseers mod and one Salt Lake stories mod. Whether...
  10. spacedrone808

    Fallout 2 mod Classic mod recommendation for die-hard Fallout fan

    Completed stuff: 1) Fallout 1 Fixit 2) Fallout Resurrection 1.5 3) Fallout 2 Restoration Project + bit of MiB88 Megamod 4) Fallout Nevada 5) Fallout Sonora 6) Olympus 2077 Liked them all! Is there any quality non-alpha mod left on Earth which stay unnoticed for me? Your thoughts on this.
  11. J

    RP and custom perks help

    I have fallout 2 with the restoration project installed. The problem is, I love installing mods also. Whenever I try to install custom perks to my fallout 2 restoration project I get a memory read from error. Why is this? Is there any fix for this? Anyone care to help? I get it any or every time...
  12. J

    Fallout 2 Megamod 2.47.5 Bugs

    I played Fallout 2 and Fallout 2 RP, and just recently, I've installed Fallout 2's MIBB 88 (Megamod) After installing my own mods and playing through Megamod I will never look at RP again. THIS mod installed with other mods are funner than tipping a cow during mating season BUT. There are...
  13. The Dutch Ghost

    List of useful mods that fix, stabilize, or expand Fallout New Vegas

    Hello all, I would like to use this thread to compose a list of mods that fix, stabilize, or expand the vanilla game without altering the basic gameplay. So not stuff like player houses full of loot, weapons and armor boosters, or additional quests, MLP player characters, but rather stuff that...
  14. C

    Fallout Excessus Anyone who liked (or didn't) Fallout 4 but may be looking for something extra I highly suggest donating to this cause, there's a lot more information on the page but they are...
  15. TheRealGoodOleSmokey

    Rusty highwayman and Slick black highwayman 2019-03-24

    Changes the overall look of the highwayman by changing the paint job. I recommend using a mod runner, you can find one in the utility's section for Fallout 2.
  16. TheRealGoodOleSmokey

    Fallout 2 Mod Runner 2019-03-24

    Mod runner for fallout 2, similar to FOMM for later fallout games. check the post for this mod.
  17. C

    My Fallout Community Discord Server...

    Welcoming all fellow fallout fanatics to my public community discord, Fallout: Blue Moon Ranch, to get the most out of fallout...together. Join here today: Spread the word! We're looking to make this community one fallout lovers won't forget! There will be: *Mods...
  18. Darice

    Fallout 1 Character Preset Mods?

    Hi folks, i just recently registered here in nma. I love the fallout games since i discovered them ( Fallout 3 was my first fallout experience). When i finally got to play fallout 1 and 2 i stumbled upon a mod called fallout 2 ressurection i believe, and the mod offered different type of...
  19. fatcatofalltime

    need help (Fallout 2 party size problems)

    So i was playing fallout 2 and I noticed that I could not take dogmeat with me because I already had sulik and vic with me then I found out that the higher the charisma the higher the party size limit however I would really be thankful if someone could please link me to a mod that gets rid off...
  20. lolpop109

    Replay-ability (Reasons to re play Fallouts)

    So basically I have been thinking about the reasons for replaying the fallouts game. To also help me in making my own mod. I want to take look at all the games in the fallout Series. I will start with saying the primary reason is to side with different factions. I personally made many...