TheWesDude said:Kahgan,
nobody is denying that CO2 gets absorbed by plants and the water and held there, but we are nowhere near what history says we have had. per ice cores and other methods, they have determined that 100 million years ago we had over 1,000 PPM of CO2. and the highest was either nearly or over 7,000. 380 ( todays global atmospheric average ) is nowhere near what has happened without humans.
figuring for historical average, we should be upwards of 2,000 PPM of CO2 if you want to conform to historical average.
I would ask where your numbers are from. But it's irrelevant. The fossil fuel we are burning now at around 85 million barrels a day has been in the ground for something like 300 million years (unsure number, but a really long time, ok). The last time all that co2 was in the atmosphere, the climate was pretty fucking unbearable, and for all the time humans have existed it has been in the ground, not affecting the climate.
Brother None said:And why you're addressing that post to Kahgan is definitely beyond me.
Because I'm so pretty