Closer to God

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
This is a "Postapocalyptic Student Project" from Nuremberg, an intro sequence to a non-existent film:

I'm not a big fan of the combination of stock footage and animation in the intro, and the film really only runs from 1:47 to 4:10. The characters "are filmed and rotoscoped manually with pen and paper", a good old technique that'll look endearingly familiar to Bakshi fans.

Take a look, it's worth it.

Link: Closer to God thread on NMA.
Yeah, I didn't like the first minute either, but the film was quite god. Unfortunately way to short... :cry:
The style reminds me of the old Godzilla movies where the people look like they are infront of a movie projection of Godzilla.

They had to have used motion capture on those characters, way too realistic movement.
Love the visual style and don't mind the music at all. It could have done with a few more minutes of story though. Cool none the less. All three thumbs up!
The music was awesome !
Did they make the music by themselves ?!
or is it from a certain Artist/band ?!
Like it, like the style. If anyone were ever to do a Fallout film, I could think of worse ways to go about it.

Kinda reminded me of that pre-Peter Jackson cartoon of LotR, if you know what I mean. The one that never got finished.
Hey folks.

Thanks “nma-fallout” and “bethesda forum” community for good, hard and fair criticism on our little
clip !!
Here is some billboard art we made for this clip. These appear in the clip but because of
bad youtube quality you can hardly read the typo.

We have an obvious relation to fallout and van burrens concept art in this one.
(this one
During our inquiry on everything that had to do with atomic bombs, we heard about nuclear tests in Nevada. We tried to make fun of this - Atomic bomb watching as aretirement tour.

We thought an ad for convertibles could be funny in a contaminated environment.

hope you enjoy

Ben and Jonas/Alkar
*I don't know if it was intentional, but the last thing the guy looks at is the woman's chest :mrgreen:
It's so sad :( ...
Why did she do that :( ?

I like the surprise and how this scene is done :) .
I liked it.

I don't get it. Why did she shoot him? Maybe because he kidnapped her the day before and now she wakes up and bang. Next thing you know she gives birth to a mutated pig-rat.
McRae said:
*I don't know if it was intentional, but the last thing the guy looks at is the woman's chest :mrgreen:

...The last thing YOU was looking at was her chest.. you could have looked at some other part of her, but noooo...!!!