Closer to God

Stevie D said:
Kinda reminded me of that pre-Peter Jackson cartoon of LotR, if you know what I mean. The one that never got finished.

That's what I said:
a good old technique that'll look endearingly familiar to Bakshi fans.

I'm very endeared by Ralph Bakshi's work. It's daring and art, compared to the modern translation of LotR. His vision of cartoons for adults was scoffed then, but it sure ain't now.

Rotoscoping real-life characters is a neat idea. It gave me a head-ache occasionally for LotR, but it has a nice style to it.
Brother None said:
That's what I said:
a good old technique that'll look endearingly familiar to Bakshi fans.
Ah well, I wouldn't have been able to put the name to the film.

I liked that Scanner Darkly for the same reason.