Clothes : your particular style

Demonslayer said:
I like those t-shirts with funny messages like:

"Your girlfriend thinks i'm hot"


"National Pornographic"

Too bad i can't find where to buy those.

Please don't wear them though.
They basically announce to everyone in the room that you are a huge tool.
Black stuff, mostly. With various, antichristian'ish symbols, just to piss all the little old people off. :roll:

Except when it's hot like today, i keep some spare "augh, i'm melting" sort of clothes. White, baggy shirts (one of them with a neat, half open eye i painted on it's back with red paint :-D) and grey shorts.
steelsoldier said:
Kevlar like Cloth, dont know the name for this

Mew? Like Kevlar in the way that it stops bullets if there are enough layers? Or Like Kevlar in the way that it's expensive?
Usually, blue or black jeans (simply because I own one pair of blue jeans and one pair of black jeans) and dark T-shirts, preferably without any pictures. Under the present weather conditions, replace jeans with loose shorts (and no underwear for the win) and a sleeveless shirt.

I don't really care about clothes. Their only use is to keep you warm in the winter and prevent you from grossing out people in the summer.
DJ Slamák said:
Their only use is to keep you warm in the winter and prevent you from grossing out people in the summer.

I must say sir, clothing is an art.

Not everyone needs to like it, but we all have to deal with it, so might as well make the best of it.

Fur and axes. Yeah, boy.
I don't even know how to describe my style. Normal? I usually wear either semi-long shorts or jeans (depending on the weather), a button-up shirt with another shirt underneath (and the button-up unbuttoned), and depending on what the weather is like my Raiders sweater or no sweater at all.

At Work: black suit, occasionally with a white shirt, usually a black one + Black&White tie.
In my freetime:
Basic Outfit = black (Band-)T-Shirt + black jeans.
Summer Outfit = black (Band-)T-Shirt with sleeves and collar ripped off, black jeans with shortened legs.
Advanced Outfit = Basic/Summer Outfit + black suit jacket with several Pins.
Winter Outfit = black (Band-T-Shirt) + black Sweater + black jeans + long black coat + RED tartan scarf.
Ramones Outfit = Basic Outfit + Leather jacket with several Pins.
Goth Outfit = Advanced(Basic/Summer) Outfit + LOTS of hair spray
PsychoElvis Outfit = Basic/Summer Outfit + a little less hair spray

And I'm especially proud of my new boots.
my style is a combination of 1930-50s, vintage workwear, with some military, mod, rockabilly, and skinhead. lots of thrift store pickups.
vintage levi 1947 repro, sugarcane and samurai jeans, baracuta harrington jacket, buzz rickson chinos, white or black t-shirts, gaberdine lounge shirts, 70s western pearl snaps, surplus military jacket, commando sweater, vintage fred perry and munsingwear grand slam polos, american apparel stuff.. og nikes, vintage doc martens, surplus combat boots, r.m. william chelseas, sperry topsiders, suede bucks, tweed flat cap, vintage ray bans.. chicks commonly mistake me for a tv/magazine model, and i get laid with all of them thanks to my killer good looks and plain ol style with ease.