
Re: Cloverfield-

alec, you're kidding, right? Fake spoiler? I googled it and came up with strange results. So now my dilemma remains unresolved: should I look for spoilers elsewhere (because it's not my kind of movie anyway and I'll probably be disappointed no matter what it is) or should I wait and see for myself?
Re: Cloverfield-

fedaykin said:
should I look for spoilers elsewhere (because it's not my kind of movie anyway and I'll probably be disappointed no matter what it is)

You are truly wasting your time looking up info and trailers for this shit packed movie, you will have more fun with you uncle force feeding you his johnson than to sit through the entire movie.

fedaykin said:
or should I wait and see for myself?

Since when does having personal opinion's or thinking for yourself is a good these days...
I was all for seeing this movie until I read the review Welsh posted earlier. I spent six years on subs and surface ships in some of the nastiest weather known to man, and I was relatively unscathed.

20 minutes into the Blair Witch Project, and I threw up in my popcorn bucket.

There is a reason God provided us with the 'SteadyCam'.
I just watched this pile of snot tonight. Words escape me as to how much it sucked. Oh God. It was just...scrod.
That good, huh?

And alec, it's "Malkav."

And I don't think that's who it is.

Sweet jesus, this movie was lame as hell.
I guess I have to admit I was expecting more of it.

It was like watching a really shitty documentary on amateur film making.
Disappointing. And here I was hoping for one of these sorts of movies to actually be worth my time.
I actually liked it. Don't know what everyone expected. Its a fucking monster movie for chrisakes. I enjoyed the pacing and the cg effects. The camera did make me a little nauseous but not enough to bitch about it. A perfect popcorn movie in my opinion.
When it was over, some black guy yelled:
"What the fuck was that?"

I don't think people really liked the movie.

I thought it was decent, though, despite my seething hatred for the buzz surrounding it's campaign, particularly that first stupid trailer.
Ok, I can gripe now.

It looked like they had Michael J Fox working the camera. I can understand the running parts but the whole movie?

The moster changes sizes at least three times in the movie.

LOL Wuv Stoweee <3

That hot little Indian chick doesn't get naked.
My theater had the same reaction and I think to myself, " What the fuck did you think would happen" , ya know ? Honestly. It was obviously a monster flick. Monster flicks aren't too surprising. I can understand not liking the camera,but it presented all the typical monster movie cliches: lots of damage done,big fucking monster, and short run time. I give it a 7.5 myself. I was entertained enough for my money.
I am pretty indifferent about the movie. It was a pretty good example of what it would be like to be in the middle of a huge inexplicable disaster and was done as well as "That Film" could be done. The question is... did we really need "That Film".

The camera made me nausious and I almost never get nausious. Be warned if you go.

I did want to post a spoiler though so that will be down here, hidden.

The biggest spoiler of the movie is that you learn nothing and get ZERO resoultion. You never figure out where the monster came from, why/how it was dropping tiny other monsters, and why when you are bitten by those monsters you explode in an hour or something. The movie ends with the monster being nuked and appearently if you listen to the very last thing after the credits in reverse it says something like "Its still alive". Hopefully the next movie will have the same great graphics with better filming and more information.
Thrawn said:
The biggest spoiler of the movie is that you learn nothing and get ZERO resoultion. You never figure out where the monster came from, why/how it was dropping tiny other monsters, and why when you are bitten by those monsters you explode in an hour or something. The movie ends with the monster being nuked and appearently if you listen to the very last thing after the credits in reverse it says something like "Its still alive". Hopefully the next movie will have the same great graphics with better filming and more information.

So freakin sequel driven piece of junk flick. Thx for saving my time & money, great resume of the movie, but I'm sure you could have used less felt quite generous.

You never figure out where the monster came from, why/how it was dropping tiny other monsters, and why when you are bitten by those monsters you explode in an hour or something.

As far as I know, isn't the monster supposed to be some super-evolved whale? The little monsters are the parasites that you find on large animals like whales, only since the monster is huge, so are the parasites.

Also, isn't the monster based off Japanese folklore? Slusho is the company Rob works for, isn't it?

Slusho! You can't drink just six.

Apparently, a fish drank something at the bottom of the ocean, and became a giant whale. Hence the product, Slusho.

Anyways, I so wish this movie was about Cthulhu. Oh well, can't win them all.

A cthulhu movie would be the shit. The best part about the cthulhu mythos is the monsters drive people insane when they even look at them. That always appealed to me for some reason.
WTF? You explode when you get bitten? :rofl: :aiee: :seriouslyno:

Who the fuck comes up with these things?

And more importantly: how much do they get paid?

The exploding when you get bitten thing only happened once in the movie. Wasn't a big part of the movie. The movie was non-stop movement and action for the most part. The getting bitten part happened,then she said she didn't feel good,then she blew up and they had to move on. It reminded me of the alien movies somewhat.