
I want to use a companion but I just don't find any of them interesting. Well Piper only being useful as a walking piece of ass.
That's why I always play female.
Much appreciate that they finally included a body slider too. My sole survivor is nice and thick.
I lost it with Nick Valentine because I see no reason for Bethesda to write in a cliche 1930's - 1950's detective character and a bunch of cliche gangsters from the same era. All those gangsters in Vault 114 are talking like its 1930 and they're Al Capone. It has no place other than to be stupid.

To be fair, Nicky has a reason for why he is the way he is (personality based on a pre-war hardboiled cop, then basically reading old stories about Humphrey Bogart type detectives). The other 30's gangsters don't make much sense, though.

Let's be fair on this subject too, from FO2 onwards that kind of thing is expected. The Vault 114 gangsters still make more sense than the Hubologists.

As for companions, I like Codsworth because who doesn't, but also Cait and Nick. Cait especially grew on me, because she's not really ''evil'' in a cliche, mwahahaha way. She's just unscrupulous and out for herself, which considering the absoluty shitty life she had is to be expected.
Nick won my heart too. Kept him around until I wanted to try out the others. Traded him for Piper.
When I went back to Covenant after finishing the main quest of the town the town became hostile and so did Piper, lol...
Had to kill the whole city and put piper down 5 times since companions don't freaking die and the only thing left to do was to run away from her..

I thought that Hancock, the mayor of Goodneighor, was one interesting character. I found out on wiki that you can also recruit him if you do a quest I missed. Guess he will be my next choice.



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I lost it with Nick Valentine because I see no reason for Bethesda to write in a cliche 1930's - 1950's detective character and a bunch of cliche gangsters from the same era. All those gangsters in Vault 114 are talking like its 1930 and they're Al Capone. It has no place other than to be stupid.

To be fair, Nicky has a reason for why he is the way he is (personality based on a pre-war hardboiled cop, then basically reading old stories about Humphrey Bogart type detectives). The other 30's gangsters don't make much sense, though.

Let's be fair on this subject too, from FO2 onwards that kind of thing is expected. The Vault 114 gangsters still make more sense than the Hubologists.

As for companions, I like Codsworth because who doesn't, but also Cait and Nick. Cait especially grew on me, because she's not really ''evil'' in a cliche, mwahahaha way. She's just unscrupulous and out for herself, which considering the absoluty shitty life she had is to be expected.

And New Reno for that matter. It's a bit of tongue and cheek thematic fun, not Mothership Zeta or the Cabot House.
30's era gangsters in Fallout fit the setting. Purists might look fondly back at Fallout 1 and miss it's take on things but those days are done. Out of all the shitty characters Bethesda has created over the years Valentine is not one of them. Some might argue they didn't like when Fallout 2 used New Reno the way it did, but Fallout left that port a long time ago. I think New Vegas did it well too. I'm actually surprised Bethesda didn't outright fuck it up.
Only complaint is that- like Talon Company, the Gunners and the hundreds of Raiders around the wastelands- we have no interaction with them outside "Go here and kill them"
And New Reno for that matter. It's a bit of tongue and cheek thematic fun, not Mothership Zeta or the Cabot House.

Indeed, the setting has never been above some cheesy fun, Fallout isn't supposed to be super serious all the time. The General Atomics Galleria and the USS Constitution are probably my favorite parts of the game because typical Bethesda-esque one-dimentional characters work much better when they're crazy robots.

I am giving the game credit where credit is due, however. I think that apart from the awful dialog wheel and the main character's poker face in the early parts of the game, overall its better written than Fallout 3. Cabot House being a notable exception, but at least unlike stupidity such as Little Lamplight or Zeta its a easily ignorable side-quest.

I also like some little things, such as the security of Diamond City using repurposed baseball gear (that people believe was a sport about beating up each other with bats!) and its inhabitants speaking confidently of the Green Wall that protects them. Quirky touches like that fit the setting well, so long as they don't go overboard like the atomic bomb worship in Megaton.
I was exploring an old playground in a bear park near Concord yesterday, and Codsworth suddenly said "oh... I'm sorry mum, but I can't help thinking of all the memories you could have had here."

Damn. Don't do that to me man.
I was exploring an old playground in a bear park near Concord yesterday, and Codsworth suddenly said "oh... I'm sorry mum, but I can't help thinking of all the memories you could have had here."

Damn. Don't do that to me man.

Aww... yeah Codsworth rules.