Columbine - Why the killers did it.

hate like make you hate things and like make you think negative and stuff, usually lots of people look like dumasses when they are in a tantrum and their whole life got them depressed and shit but omg why i'm i responding when one of you buttfuckls wil respond with some hella long piece of shit i wont read.

I"M ABOUT BRAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!
ExtremeRyno said:
So why does everyone here seem to hate you, Pooperscooper? No one at DAC seems to have a problem with you....Did you try to spread herepes or something?

Does he post like that at DAC?
ExtremeRyno said:
No, he's an ordinary average poster at DAC...Seems like an upstart character, really.

There you go - he doesn't like the site and he doesn't like the posters here, but he keeps posting and trolling anyway. It kind of irritates people, you know?
I usually post my opinions but sometimes I think i'm funny when i write goofy stuff, but no one else likes it. Sorry dont ban me plz.
I usually post my opinions but sometimes I think i'm funny when i write goofy stuff, but no one else likes it. Sorry dont ban me plz.

Search through your posts - out of the first three pages, there are maybe 4 or 5 posts where you have an opinion on something and the rest are like the posts in this thread. It's not your sense of humor, it's the fact that everyone thinks you're just here to troll.
Montez said:
I usually post my opinions but sometimes I think i'm funny when i write goofy stuff, but no one else likes it. Sorry dont ban me {"plz" bitch-slap me.}.

Search through your posts - out of the first three pages, there are maybe 4 or 5 posts where you have an opinion on something and the rest are like the posts in this thread. It's not your sense of humor, it's the fact that everyone thinks you're just here to troll.

You better back up before I get you banned.