Member of Khans
Vault Dweller

So... beeing a great fan of the novels:
How's the Dark Tower comic series?
Any of you guys read it?
How's the Dark Tower comic series?
Any of you guys read it?
That's it! Thanks.Loxley said:Ahh that one. It is called The Filth and was made by Grant Morrison, chris weston and Gery erskine.Cimmerian Nights said:Definitely sounds like something Nicolai would post, I'd ask him.The Idiot said:Could you guys identify a comic for me? I saw one page either on the Codex or DAC some years ago, there were two astronauts wearing orange suits, one of them had their oxygen tubes rerouted to his pants and soon drowned in his own piss. I would like to read that.
It is not about austronauts though. Really weird comic. So if you do not like weird character. No handed four-titted women ect. It is one helluva big collection of fetishes in that one. Recognise it?
I have not read it but from what I hear it's just a retelling of the novels.Member of Khans said:So... beeing a great fan of the novels:
How's the Dark Tower comic series?
Any of you guys read it?
So, since I'm sure many of you guys are also into comics, I pose a few questions:
Favorite books?
Favorite characters?
Favorite authors?
Those Conan graphic novels were good stuff, they were as pulpy as everything else, but they brought a real dark, pathos compared to all the other superhero bullshit - which was just so predictable and trite. Low-fantasy, anti-hero goodness.Big Feet said:I was really into comics as a kid.I think i was a bit weird though because i was never into the superhero comics like everybody else.The ones i couldn't do without were Sgt.Rock,G.I. Combat,G.I. Joe,Conan,I Vampire and several other ones along the same lines.I also read the Conan graphic novels that were published monthly,or was it bi-monthly,at the time.I really loved reading those Conan Graphic novels.
Cimmerian Nights said:Those Conan graphic novels were good stuff, they were as pulpy as everything else, but they brought a real dark, pathos compared to all the other superhero bullshit - which was just so predictable and trite. Low-f
And if Conan cleaving people in half doesn't bring a smile to your face what will?
rcorporon said:Just got the four hardcover versions of Walking Dead, and must say, it is spectacular.
Must read stuff.
MrBumble said:Have you read them yet ?
If you haven't I won't spoil it for you yet but The Walking Dead features one of the best villains I've ever seen in a comic book...
First time I've ever wanted to kill a comic book character.
Given the accolades and awards that their other original shows have garnered, this could be promisingFlop said:Also, it seems that a tv channel, called AMC, is going to do a tv series based on the comics. It'll be interesting to see what's going to come of that.