Command and Conquer 3

Picked this game up today, and seeing my PC is a piece of shit, I bought it for the Xbox360.

Yeah yeah, fucking flame me for that, but let me explain...

The overall experience of the game so far is simply amazing. Audio and graphically pleasing, as well as the whole storyline. Dark-ish in short really. But the only problem is the 360 controller. You have to use triggers, d-pad and thumbstick commands to simply recruit a few riflemen. This is while the NOD forces throw troops at you left, right and centre. Maybe I need to increase my agility when it comes to 360 controller commands. I always get to a certain point in a few basic deathmatch type games where I have plenty of troops, but to my dismay, are slowly being eaten alive by the enemies because I can't flick across the screen quickly enough to catch them in the act.

Oh well, maybe a few more weeks will get me used to the controls and what not.

Oh, Jennifer Morrsion was a great addition :wink:
Heh wait to you get to the Croatia mission, if they haven't dumbed it down for the 360 you're going to have fun.

Actually I tried the demo on the 360 and the controls weren't too bad, just a matter of remembering what's what. But the pc version was nearly half the price of the console version so easy decision for me.
Wow, half price hey? They were both AU$70, so it didn't phase me either way, but seeing my PC isn't up to specs it was an easy decision to go with the 360.

Yeah, the controls will take some getting used to, especially in a large fire fight, with lots happening. Efficiency with the controls has to be spot on during fights I have learnt :P And I still manage to get my arse handed to me :wink:

I will be trying the campaign soon, right after I feel confident enough with the controls.
360 games are usually ten pound or more dearer than their pc counterparts here.

Funny how real time strategy usually boils down to quickest reflexes and fastest unit building. The GDI campaign has been real easy up until now but in Act III it turns into more of a twitch fest.
So I take it you are using the 360 controller, like you mentioned in another thread? Or just a mouse and keyboard?

Jeez, if you are having a twitchfest with the keyboard and mouse, I can't wait to use the 360 controller :roll:
Just my trackball. Maybe it would be easier using the hotkeys as well, only I've never had to do so with C&C games before. The on screen interface has always been sufficient.

Besides I can never remember them. :)
I have that problem too, remembering hotkeys. I generally use the simple ones that are needed quickly and more often than others.

But not so this time. I tried a really intense battle with the 360 controller, and it just ended up with me choosing my entire army and simply walking over the other guys. No strategy involved because there were too many individual units to micromanage in the heat of battle.

I don't know. Maybe I just have to do the multiple army select all the time :?