It Wandered In From the Wastes

Well I'm not an expert in postapocalyptic economy, but I don't think Cassidy Caravans had chance to become real competition. It was real competition before, but it has fallen (maybe with Crimson Caravan's "help"), Alice McLafferty would be able to buy it sooner or later, the risk was minimal.
It is not really about Cassidy Caravan, really. Alice outright says that it is better to simply remove any "extra" caravans. likely the Crimson Caravan wants to be the only caravan company in the Mojave. destroy the other caravans, no matter how minimal the risk, the higher the chance that other caravans will move on, and the CC gets more business. Pure and simple, it is simply the CC wants money and power, not other companies moving in.
You seem to be focusing way too much on the details when they are simply there to inform you what is going on. Cass's quest is about taking down the big guys (CC and Van Graffs), that is really all there is to it. A good example of the Caravan wars is Alexander at the 188, who tells you that they used to carry energy weapons until their EW-carrying caravans kept getting destroyed, which is likely the work of the Van Graffs trying to keep the Gun Runners from running energy weapons. Makes sense that they would help the Crimson Caravans get rid of the other caravans to form the big monopolies of the Wasteland.
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