Company of Heroes


First time out of the vault
So, who out there plays this brilliant RTS? Best one in a while I reckon. Anyone up for some multiplayer action?
CoH has a very fun gameplay, and the concept is well done, I think. Yep, it's brilliant, but TOO easy to finish, unfortunately... I gave 50€ for it, and sold it again, because it wasn't worth that price. 25€ would surely be more suitable. It's a short game, and easier than some casual games...
Morbus said:
CoH has a very fun gameplay, and the concept is well done, I think. Yep, it's brilliant, but TOO easy to finish, unfortunately... I gave 50€ for it, and sold it again, because it wasn't worth that price. 25€ would surely be more suitable. It's a short game, and easier than some casual games...
Did you try playing it online? Singleplayer is fun and all, but the real meat of the game is in the multiplayer.
I enjoyed Company of Heroes for its big budget war movie qualities, and less for its realistic gameplay.

However, Europe in Ruins combined with the possibility of a completed "Fortress Europe" mod may seriously add some life and realism to what could have been a much better game. In the meantime, I still prefer Theatre of War.
What I really hate is that you can't have free-for-all skirmishes. I know the game is "historically-accurate" (if you take quite a few liberties) but restricting people like that is annoying. That's the whole reason I dropped EaW: Forces of Corruption, that I couldn't play land battles in free-for-all.

Something that also bothers me with WWII games is that they never feature "what if" campaigns. Such as Germany beating off D-Day or the complots to kill Hitler being successful or a Japanese invasion of Australia and New Zealand instead of Pearl Harbor or (this if for the Commisar) a Soviet blitzkrieg which overruns the German Army. It's always the same rehashed stories, "YAY, HERE COMES THE US OF A TO KICK ASS AND TAKE NAMES". Which quite frankly, have been done so much it already reminds me of the That's 70s Show theme: Hanging out! In the PC! The Same Old Thing, We Released Last Year! There have been, what 8+ FPS that deal with unending variations of the same theme. Wish somebody would release a campaign where the Germans win or where Hitler focuses on destroying Britain instead of messing with the Soviets which leads to a 3-sided World War because tovarisch Stalin doesn't trust the United States.
The scripted format to these games does get tiresome. The 'what-ifs' are tantalizing.

What if the Germans took Malta? Could they have then marched on to the Suez and beyond? Maybe another visit from Ribbontrop garners a deal in which Stalin and Hitler divide the Middle-East between them.
There has also been assertions that the Soviets were building up to attack Hitler (Paul Carrel's book, 'Scorched Earth') How successful at that time could the Soviets have been?
I think that one of the old turn-based games allowed you to do just that. If you played well enough as the Germans, you ended up attacking the US East Coast. Don't remember the name, though.
Plenty of wargames allow for an alternate, but realistic course of events. Even the Close Combat series allowed operations to vary highly from history without removing authentic results.

And plenty of other games allow you to dictate the entire course of the war as well, like Hearts of Iron or Ostfront, basically allowing you to write your own history. And we cannot leave out tOAoW, which permits the user to set up and play out essentially any scenario or campaign with realistic results.

Those options I much prefer over some other persons vision of events. Usually because I find scripted alternate visions are too fanciful for my tastes. Usually when I buy a historical wargame I want a historical wargame, not something that H. Turtledove could have shat out over a weekend.

Thats not to say all alternate history games are bad or poorly written. I just prefer a realistic player controlled flow of events over an arbitrary flow enforced by someone else when it comes to my wargames.
One thing that gets my goat about ww2 games is its always from the American perspective you never hear it from the British, Free French / Polish sides I know its mostly because most WW2 games are developed in the US (correct me if I am wrong with this).

And sorry for wandering around the topic, I haven't played it yet when I do I'll give it ago on-line.
I take it you play mostly first person shooters?

Games like Silent Hunter III show that a campaign from the German perspective is not only interesting, but absolutely compelling. There are also plenty of other simulations that focus on things like the battle of Britain, the air war in the East and the Japanese perspective on the Pacific. Wargames like the Combat Mission series give you almost everyone to play as, from Normandy and Afrika to the Ostfront. Even unrealistic shooters like Call of Duty or Medal of Honour let you play as British, Canadians, Polish and French. And of course Red Orchestra, which is pretty much the Operation Flashpoint of the Great Patriotic War.

So, while many games are from the American perspective (Too many, in my opinion), there are plenty of alternatives.
Commissar your right I mostly play FPS, I have never heard of the combat mission series ill have to look at them. On the occasions I have played some of the MOH series you can fight along side of the Brits but what I would like to see is a realistic FPS from the British perspective an I feel the games industry is forgetting (same as Hollywood) that there was other countries besides the USA in the war.

I think some of my bug bare about this is I know a few old chaps who where there on D Day an i think it disrespects (maybe not the right choice of words) what they did in some way.
I hope you aren't implying that MoH is realistic in any way. Also, other then, perhaps, Brothers in Arms, I would like you to identify a realistic WWII shooter staring Americans forces. The issue, in this case, is not ignoring Allied forces other then the Americans, the issue is ignoring realistic gameplay. There are simply hardly any action games at all that strive for a realistic portrayal of WWII. Of those that exist, they are spread pretty evenly between the various sides. Its the massive amounts of crappy, arcade like games that focus heavily on the American contributions.

As for a realistic shooter staring Brits, I offer Hidden and Dangerous. Its free now, although the sequel is much more refined.

Muff said:
I feel the games industry is forgetting (same as Hollywood) that there was other countries besides the USA in the war.

Central and Eastern Europe have consistently churned out WWII games that focus on the Soviet front. They just don't get as much expsoure in the western market.
Commissar thanks for the info, btw is wasn't implying MOA was realistic in any way shape or form.
I didn't now eastern Europe made many games, an its a shame i don't speak any language from that part of the world although I am considering to learn Polish because Liverpool has a massive polish community.
Remember, the first Polish sentence you should learn is "Bij Bolszewika".
Wait, what? It worked perfectly. We even forced former members of the AK to fight against active members of the AK for our amusement. I call that a resounding success.
"Beat the bolshevik"

It worked perfectly

Negative. Warsaw's still here, y'know. And not only does Warsaw live again, it grows more byootiful evaray year!