Completing Finger Of Suspicion after I Put a Spell On You?

Chairman Greeter

First time out of the vault
Replaying the game and just saved Martina in Vault 21. My character has done their best to stay on the good side of all factions thus far and has positive reputation around. I have already snuffed out the plot at McCarran and foiled Captain Curtis.

Upon returning to Vulpes, he says I can go help the infiltrator, but the Legion will know it was me if their leak is plugged.

My question: shouldnt the Courier automatically gain legion infamy a few days after this happens? Mr New Vegas even reports that a 3rd party neutralized the threat. It seems like the Legion should put this together after the fact but there isn't any acknowledgement.

I know Legion content is infamously cut from the base game but this still seems like a plot hole.
Well friend, I’m answering this thread months after the fact to provide my opinion on the subject. Aren’t you a lucky boy.

My theory is that with covert ops being such a dangerous profession in any time period, the loss of a single informant is to be expected, even overlooked.

Think about it from Vulpes’s point of view; he has an entire network of frumentarii. At the end of the day, the loss of a single non-legionary is less than nothing; it’s at WORST an acceptable sacrifice.