Congrations NMA, you won.

That is a cheap trick alright.
I don't think any staff would have made it... Unless it was Tagaziel, since he has the highest admin powers in NMA and is involved with Fallout gamepedia and there is an old rivalry between Fallout Gamepedia and Wikia :confused:. But still I find hard to believe he would do that.
That's kind of funny actually. I stopped using wikia when it was temporarily broken due to those stupid surveys that wouldn't load right. That and it has a shit tonne of scripts to it takes annoyingly long to load properly. Still though, sometimes I check it and find things that weren't on the gamepedia page.
Do you know the story behind the two wiki's?

I didn't know about the redirect, but it's not at all surprising to me.
Do you know the story behind the two wiki's?

I didn't know about the redirect, but it's not at all surprising to me.
Tagaziel used to be an admin of Nukapedia, he was kicked in later 2012 because his contempt for Nukapedia, offense behavior to other editors, and his abuse of admin rights.
That's one of them (I suppose; and that makes sense too), but I was thinking about Pawel Dembowski; aka "Ausir".
Why would it matter if there was a redirect? It's essentially the same info in both sites, no?
Why would it matter if there was a redirect? It's essentially the same info in both sites, no?
Apparently not, as evidenced by the exchange above.
But even then, people should be able to link to whatever wiki they want.
The Vault is (or at least was, dunno anymore) headed by people who headed the original wiki (also called The Vault), before the schism which came for whatever reason. IIRC Ausir, who created the wikia, was also a figure on Wikipedia before parting ways unamicably.
Regardless, The Vault was for a while a better wikia than Nukapedia - easier to browse, with at least ounce of dedication to older games. It also lacked any flashy shite that served no purpose.

Dunno how The Vault fares nowadays. Not that I care anyway. I made 1000+ edits on it, back in the day, and I really liked the whole thing. But that's in the past, my dedication to Fallout is long gone.

Also, I find it really funny and ironic that Tagaziel censored something. Wait, I actually don't.
Dunno, putting a word censor in place to force people to use the wiki you're working on kinda is a dick move.

I don't know why the forumite should care which of the wiki's is allowed and which isn't other than possible personal reasons for boycotting the allowed site. The only "dick" move in this particular case that I see was to not have it spelled out that one is allowed and the other isn't, that it needed to be found out by accident.

Anyways... The situation's over and I don't really care anyway beyond these couple of posts.
I don't know why the forumite should care which of the wiki's is allowed and which isn't other than possible personal reasons for boycotting the allowed site. The only "dick" move in this particular case that I see was to not have it spelled out that one is allowed and the other isn't, that it needed to be found out by accident.

Anyways... The situation's over and I don't really care anyway beyond these couple of posts.
Sometimes there's information on one wiki that's not on the other.
And it's not the place of the staff to decide which wiki is to be used, especially not for a single admin without checking with the rest of the staff.
But if you don't have a problem with being told what to think, you won't mind me telling you that you're wrong ;)
Sometimes there's information on one wiki that's not on the other.
And it's not the place of the staff to decide which wiki is to be used, especially not for a single admin without checking with the rest of the staff.
But if you don't have a problem with being told what to think, you won't mind me telling you that you're wrong ;)

"Being told what to think" is a bit out of context here. But fair enough.
Why would it matter if there was a redirect? It's essentially the same info in both sites, no?
Just look at my post in previous page. There are essentially same info in both sites, yes, but the presentation is different that NMLevesque stated that he didn't see the 5 points I quoted, because those 5 points are only displayed in the Wikia, while Gamepedia didn't. Imagine what would happen with future sourcing of such links.

Personally, I go to Gamepedia only for the dialogue texts, but the Wikia is more friendly to my eyes (black texts on white background vs. green texts on dark background).
There was a word censor in place that changed every Nukapedia link to The Vault. It's fixed now.
Wait, what? Seriously? Whoever implemented that censor really isn't doing any of the discussions a favor (I'm pretty sure people have been sourcing Nukapedia for some points at times, I know I have at least).

I get the feeling the censor could be Tagaziel's doing (with his history with Nukapedia in mind) but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt since the issue's resolved.
Having 2 sources that state similar information does no one any good. From my perspective I think all reference sites are tainted by someone else's rosy goggles on how they viewed the material. Until proven otherwise of course.

Also having someone who is notably unstable having authority over such a source forces me to automatically rule it out as viable.