Cosmic Mix


First time out of the vault
Just wondering what you good people had to say about this. Me and my friend were eating at Jack in the Box today, when at least 25-30 kids from the local high school came in during their lunch breaks. During this time, we were reminded of serving our time in high school (not too long ago) and once again brought up the old topic, how did we turn out different from them?

The way they dress, the way they talk, THEY just seem to repulse me most of the time. Its not a race or ethnic thing, everyone falls victim to it. Clothes from Hot Topic or Gap or Aberwhatever and Whocares. Driving the cars their parrents bought them, talking on the cell phone they dont pay for. Acting like a complete idiot.

Anyways.What makes a person (not like that), what events or factors shape how the child will grow and react as time goes on? Or do we have no control at all and its all just a big crap shoot. Anyways, was just curious about what you thought...
College happens.

Drugs, sex, parties, responsibility. If it wasn't for college, I may have ended up an idiot like Kahgan.
Why does it take so long for people to mature intellectually? I've always been responsible. Never understood my peers, who largely seem to be made up of complete wastes of flesh. Not that they got any better as they got older either.
well, the thing is, that (allmost)everyone say that they have allways been resonable and stuff, but from other peoples view they haven't...well, at least I know that I'm not allways reasonable..but hey, thats me :D
Perhaps that is you, people do say I'm responsible. It's one of my traits, not something I just think of myself.
docholyday said:
Or do we have no control at all and its all just a big crap shoot.

You just need to have character. Character and common sense.

You can either be a lone wolf or a parrot. Personally, I've always enjoyed howling. :wink:
Its always like that...

I have been responsible for many years. I did my own laundry at 14, cooked at 16, had college at 18, a job at 19, and pretty much everything learned that I needed to know by 20.

I hate spoiled brats...however I guess the parents grew up the same way...lazy asses.

The Vault Dweller
Well, mine is a different case. When I was in collage, my fellow collegers already did look stupid to me. Maybe because the youngest of my sisters is nine years older than me, my parents where old when they had me, and my cousin who is two years older than me even looks younger than me. I think it´s just because i always hanged out with older people that I felt and feel older than I am.
Meh. I'm in high school and yes, most kids are idiots. Even in this fairly smart town don't really know much more than extremly basic politics and global affairs(IE: bush=bad, kerry=good, UN=good, etc etc). Even so, they try to act mature and end up looking like asses. I would have to say that the fallout community would be rathar exclusive in having fairly smart people. Look at the average game for the drooling masses(see Fallout: POS) and you'll realize that it takes a certain kind of person to appreciate fallout, and consequently, and even more specific kind of person to join the community. As such, I would expect more from the average NMA'er than from the average joe.
whats wrong with me? 8)

The_Vault_Dweller said:
I hate spoiled brats...however I guess the parents grew up the same way...lazy asses.

couldn't agree more...
As such, I would expect more from the average NMA'er than from the average joe.

Well, thats part of the beautiful thing with Fallout 1, anyone can play it, but, those that really get it and enjoy it tend to have a few SPECIAL points in the PCI sections. What me and my friend were getting at are things like, what if theyre raised on one type of music? or if they never see a violent movie for most of their youth? or if they are bombarded with movies and all kinds of music? what about video games, if you introduce them too young into their life wouldnt they be less apt to enjoy reading a book?

But yes, it does seem to boil down to that wonderful word, character. Forgive me if this sounds a bit hokey, but its early and it sounds right;Life is the largest MMRPG ever. Some know how to work the game for their bennifit, some dont. Most will, ahh screw it, just think about this-last time you played a game online and you played someone who did nothing but trash talk you,couldnt spell the words, or *shudder* spoke nothing but leet....remember, thats a real person on the other end, who is EXACTLY the same away from the, im going to go fix me some cinnimon toast crunch