Stanislao Moulinsky said:
sigma1932 said:
Why shouldn't that object be there? It's not like they just plopped some random object down without building everything else around it like it's supposed to be there and then just forgot to delete it later... there's even a similar object on the other side of the vault entrance.
It shouldn't be there because it allows the player to stay hidden from Elijah, obviously.
So, your whole argument revolves around "It lets the player do something I think they shouldn't be able to do, therefore it shouldn't be there".
I suppose
this method (which wasn't executed as efficiently as it could've been and doesn't require the stealthboy) means that the whole other path to the elevator door shouldn't be there either, huh?
Hmm, while we're at it, maybe they should've just built a huge, flat, game-world, completely devoid of all vertical relief and things to hide behind during combat because people might use it to break line of sight so they can sneak around...
Let's see...
-The DLC starts and ends with the narrating voice stating that "the hard part is letting go".
-All the NPCs of the DLC suffer from their inability to let go.
-Dean, Elijah and God state time and time again how people exploring the Sierra Madre died because they got greedy.
-We also find multiple examples of the above, scattered around.
-Elijah even had to connect all the collars together to force people to NOT kill each other.
-Then you find a mountain of gold that normally will get you killed if you get greedy and try to take all of it with you (the hard part is letting go).
Nah, it's just a coincidence.
And time and again, ever since the dawn of fictional story-telling, there have been instances where the main characters go against implied warnings of certain death and/or overcome seemingly insurmountable odds while still managing to pull things off they shouldn't be able to do.
To draw a parallel in the movie industry, think about what the Goonies have been like if the kids just stopped looking for One-eyed Willy's treasure when they found Chester Copperpot's body under the rock, and just said, "Well, fuck it... there's no point in trying now! This guy was a pro, and he wound up dead... there's no we'll live to pull this off..."
It's so absurd to think that developers might NOT be able to think of everything? Especially when they have tight deadlines to work with?
No, it's certainly not absurd to think they don't catch everything-- even under ideal timeframe circumstances... but at the same time, it's also not absurd to think they might have purposely left it in as a reward for people who took the time to figure out how to do it legitimately, or really invested heavily in a certain type of character.
Remember, this is supposed to be an RPG, so special rewards for creative use of specific skillsets should be expected (plus Obsidian is pretty much the only proven developer that dares to do stuff like this).
Of course, it's also a viable possibility that they just plain didn't give a shit one way or the other if you got the gold bars out since money is so ridiculously easy to come by in the game anyway...