Water Chip? Been There, Done That

Scorched earth, barren wasteland, place that shouldn't exist. All those names were very much true to the residents of the ruins of the Capital Wasteland. If one was asked if there was a place that one could call paradise, it would be Tenpenny Tower. At the top of it, stop a figure clad in full set of T-51b power armour, a modified laser rifle resting on it's back. In his right hand was a head of a ghoul, whose last expression was that of a pure terror. The lone wanderer sighted under his breath before he threw the head of the balcon, letting it splatter on the floor below. He then shook his head and went back into the building. It was well lit, to a dismay of its current guest. All the light did was highlight the masacre that took place not so long ago. Blood covered the walls, as the mutilated body parts laid under the walls, all of them belonging to the ghouls. The figure turned his head towards the elevator before he pressed the button and rode down onto the ground floor. Just as he was about to walk out, the door flung open and another figure came through. The stranger was clad in a leather duster with an old world's flag painted on his back, a pair of sunglasses on his nose along with a breathing mask and the desperado cowboy hat.
He took a look around before he settled his sight at the lone wanderer and said casually, "Well, I didn't expect that when I saw this tower in the distance. May I ask what happened in here or are you going to try to kill me?"
"The ghouls that used to live here decided to butcher all the previous residents and took all the tower for their own, for that I had to kill them."
"Wow, talk about brutal. I can understand that though, though you still haven't answered my second question."
"It depends, are you with the Enclave?" Lone wanderer asked as he drew his laser rifle.
Seeing this courier grabbed his temple before he materialized Aer-14 prototype and said, "If you ask, whether I am a member or not then no. That said, what have you got against the enclave? As far as I am aware, there very few of them left. Most of them have already settled down or went into hiding, so you are kind of late for the party."
"Have you lived under a rock for the last couple of months? The enclave is strong and they still pose an immediate threat to the wasteland. They wanted to acquire wanter purifier to use for their own nefarious schmes and have to be dealt with swiftly," the wander answered as he gripped harder his rifle.
"Oh really? In that case, take a look at that," the courier said before he materialized full set of Remnants Power Armour and a Pancor Jackhammer. The lone wanderer didn't waste time before he pulled the trigger, while jumping behind the cover. He then peeked out of the baricade and glanced at the courier, who hadn't moved an inch. As he looked at the man's power armour his eyes went wide. The laser rifle didn't do anything to the armour, he was wearing.
He bit his lip before he asked, "What is this? How is your power armour strong enough to handle a laser rifle like this?"
"Are you asking for real? Holy sheet, you are. Well, what can I say, this in Enclave Power Armour, one of the best power armours in the entire wasteland. A laser rifle won't put a dent."
"This is stupid, everyone knows that Enclave Power Armour is worse than T-51b," Lone wanderer said as he swapped his weapon for his trusty gatling laser Vengeance.
"Okay, that does it. You are an idiot. I am not even going to be mad for you attacking me. The sheer stupidy you have exhibited so far, only confirms my suspicions. In any case, I am leaving," the courier said. However, before he could take a step, the wanderer jumped out of the cover and pulled the trigger. Courier just sighed as he felt multiple beams hitting his armour. He had enough of this, so he started walking towards the man. As he drew closer, the man never stopped firing as he pulled back at the same pace as the courier was walking towards him. Then suddenly the ammunition ended and he had to reload.
When the courier noticed that , he quickly activated a single dose of Implant Grx, aimed at the laser and pulled the trigger. The shoot completly obliterated the weapon, sending sparking remains of the device all around the place. In the meantime some of his shoots hit the man and caused his eyebrows to raise. Thanks to his AR scanner he could quickly estimate, how powerful the opponent was but he didn't expect his weapon to deal that much damage. A feral grin grew on his face as he aimed his boomstick at the leg of the stranger and pulled the trigger. The shoot proved to be effective as the man howled in pain, before he fell on the ground. The courier just stared at sight in front of him before he dematerialized his weapon, grabbed the guy by his armour and smashed him at the wall, causing the man to choke.
"Look here, I gave you a chance and then you attacked me, even though I have done nothing to deserve that. Now, are you going to tell my, why I shouldn't kill you right here and now?"
"My father died protecting a water purifier from the Enclave, so the wasteland could have clean water, I am not going to let you get away with this."
"Okay, now you have completly confused me," the courier said before he threw the man at the other wall. He noticed that the stranger didn't waste time and healed himself to full health in a matter of second. How the hell, did he do that? It is not fair, I want to have a perk like this too.
The man rose onto his feet, before he materialized a fatman and grinned under his helmet. "This is it. Nothing can survive a hit from a fatman, especially this one. Welcome a mirv prototype that shoots ten mininukes at once."
"You are going to kill us both, you know that right?"
"Maybe so, but I am taking you with me and that is all that matters to me. So, any last wish?"
"I am going to enjoy seeing you bleed."
The lone wanderer could feel his body going limp from the sheer force behind those words. The modified fatman fell on the ground with a thud, the man frozen in fear. The courier walked up to the wanderer aimed his shootgun at his head and pulled the trigger. The brain splattered all over the wall as the man fell on the ground.
He took a look around before he settled his sight at the lone wanderer and said casually, "Well, I didn't expect that when I saw this tower in the distance. May I ask what happened in here or are you going to try to kill me?"
"The ghouls that used to live here decided to butcher all the previous residents and took all the tower for their own, for that I had to kill them."
"Wow, talk about brutal. I can understand that though, though you still haven't answered my second question."
"It depends, are you with the Enclave?" Lone wanderer asked as he drew his laser rifle.
Seeing this courier grabbed his temple before he materialized Aer-14 prototype and said, "If you ask, whether I am a member or not then no. That said, what have you got against the enclave? As far as I am aware, there very few of them left. Most of them have already settled down or went into hiding, so you are kind of late for the party."
"Have you lived under a rock for the last couple of months? The enclave is strong and they still pose an immediate threat to the wasteland. They wanted to acquire wanter purifier to use for their own nefarious schmes and have to be dealt with swiftly," the wander answered as he gripped harder his rifle.
"Oh really? In that case, take a look at that," the courier said before he materialized full set of Remnants Power Armour and a Pancor Jackhammer. The lone wanderer didn't waste time before he pulled the trigger, while jumping behind the cover. He then peeked out of the baricade and glanced at the courier, who hadn't moved an inch. As he looked at the man's power armour his eyes went wide. The laser rifle didn't do anything to the armour, he was wearing.
He bit his lip before he asked, "What is this? How is your power armour strong enough to handle a laser rifle like this?"
"Are you asking for real? Holy sheet, you are. Well, what can I say, this in Enclave Power Armour, one of the best power armours in the entire wasteland. A laser rifle won't put a dent."
"This is stupid, everyone knows that Enclave Power Armour is worse than T-51b," Lone wanderer said as he swapped his weapon for his trusty gatling laser Vengeance.
"Okay, that does it. You are an idiot. I am not even going to be mad for you attacking me. The sheer stupidy you have exhibited so far, only confirms my suspicions. In any case, I am leaving," the courier said. However, before he could take a step, the wanderer jumped out of the cover and pulled the trigger. Courier just sighed as he felt multiple beams hitting his armour. He had enough of this, so he started walking towards the man. As he drew closer, the man never stopped firing as he pulled back at the same pace as the courier was walking towards him. Then suddenly the ammunition ended and he had to reload.
When the courier noticed that , he quickly activated a single dose of Implant Grx, aimed at the laser and pulled the trigger. The shoot completly obliterated the weapon, sending sparking remains of the device all around the place. In the meantime some of his shoots hit the man and caused his eyebrows to raise. Thanks to his AR scanner he could quickly estimate, how powerful the opponent was but he didn't expect his weapon to deal that much damage. A feral grin grew on his face as he aimed his boomstick at the leg of the stranger and pulled the trigger. The shoot proved to be effective as the man howled in pain, before he fell on the ground. The courier just stared at sight in front of him before he dematerialized his weapon, grabbed the guy by his armour and smashed him at the wall, causing the man to choke.
"Look here, I gave you a chance and then you attacked me, even though I have done nothing to deserve that. Now, are you going to tell my, why I shouldn't kill you right here and now?"
"My father died protecting a water purifier from the Enclave, so the wasteland could have clean water, I am not going to let you get away with this."
"Okay, now you have completly confused me," the courier said before he threw the man at the other wall. He noticed that the stranger didn't waste time and healed himself to full health in a matter of second. How the hell, did he do that? It is not fair, I want to have a perk like this too.
The man rose onto his feet, before he materialized a fatman and grinned under his helmet. "This is it. Nothing can survive a hit from a fatman, especially this one. Welcome a mirv prototype that shoots ten mininukes at once."
"You are going to kill us both, you know that right?"
"Maybe so, but I am taking you with me and that is all that matters to me. So, any last wish?"
"I am going to enjoy seeing you bleed."
The lone wanderer could feel his body going limp from the sheer force behind those words. The modified fatman fell on the ground with a thud, the man frozen in fear. The courier walked up to the wanderer aimed his shootgun at his head and pulled the trigger. The brain splattered all over the wall as the man fell on the ground.
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