To finally get the last bits of confusion about this cleared up, abbaon supplied us with a few quotes of Steve "MrSmileyFaceDude" Meister:<blockquote><MSFD> didn't take the Fallout fans long to find the source photo Craig Mullins used for that concept art
<MSFD> yeah
<MSFD> they even identified which carrier it was
<MSFD> it's funny because people are extrapolating all sorts of stuff from that identification, as though it has anything to do with the actual game...
<MSFD> nah, it was in Florida for a while but they sunk it in the Gulf to make an artificial reef
<MSFD> anyway all we did was ask "Hey Craig Mullins, make a painting of a carrier that's run aground on a river bank in a ruined city" (or something to that effect)
<MSFD> nah, he's freelance
<MSFD> he's done stuff for a ton of games
<MSFD> incl. Halo
<MSFD> he did some stuff for Star Trek for us, too
<MSFD> once the teaser countown is finished you will have seen the entirety of the work he did for Fallout
<MSFD> anyway we have an in-house concept artist who's done hundreds & hundreds of drawings & sketches & such for all the Fallout stuff
<MSFD> haven't shown any of that</blockquote>So Craig Mullins did only 5 pieces of art (assuming we only get one more piece of art), which were done before Oblivion with their in-house artist having done a lot more by now, and which can not simply be assumed directly related to the game (except that Matt noted Capitol Hill revealed something about the location).
<MSFD> yeah
<MSFD> they even identified which carrier it was
<MSFD> it's funny because people are extrapolating all sorts of stuff from that identification, as though it has anything to do with the actual game...
<MSFD> nah, it was in Florida for a while but they sunk it in the Gulf to make an artificial reef
<MSFD> anyway all we did was ask "Hey Craig Mullins, make a painting of a carrier that's run aground on a river bank in a ruined city" (or something to that effect)
<MSFD> nah, he's freelance
<MSFD> he's done stuff for a ton of games
<MSFD> incl. Halo
<MSFD> he did some stuff for Star Trek for us, too
<MSFD> once the teaser countown is finished you will have seen the entirety of the work he did for Fallout
<MSFD> anyway we have an in-house concept artist who's done hundreds & hundreds of drawings & sketches & such for all the Fallout stuff
<MSFD> haven't shown any of that</blockquote>So Craig Mullins did only 5 pieces of art (assuming we only get one more piece of art), which were done before Oblivion with their in-house artist having done a lot more by now, and which can not simply be assumed directly related to the game (except that Matt noted Capitol Hill revealed something about the location).