Criterion Collection

Sander said:
DVD was also better than VHS because it was more convenient, could hold more film and could be interactive.

Also, a lot of people won't notice the difference between 720p and 1080p, even when they have the monitor for it. I do, but it is often rather marginal and there aren't that many movies where it's real added value.

I do think that it's useful, but to most of the buying public it won't add that much.

I thought that regular DVD, if displayed in 720, was upscaled, basically meaning it wasn't "true" HD.

To me, the difference in visual quality between a Blu-Ray and a regular DVD ( I have "Cars" on both DVD and Blu-Ray, and the Blu-Ra is simply stunning) is like night and day.

More than enough to justify my personal policy of no-more DVD's.
rcorporon said:
Simple. Higher resolution.

Blu-Ray is better for the exact same reasons that DVD was better than VHS. It simply looks better.

I have a large, plasma television, and I want to use it to it's fullest potential.

I'm glad there are people like you who swallow the marketing jibe hook line and sinker. You basically pay for all the R&D so that I can just adopt when the price is right. Thanks.
Blu-rai is nice because I bought a PS3 and also Iron Man looks doooooope on it.

Also, I mean, it's nice to be able to have something like Firefly on one disc.

Also, come on, dude.
It's HD. It's awesome.
Buying BluRay stuff right now is idiotic. It's overpriced and not yet well-established. I'll wait at least five years before I'll even consider switching to BluRay.

As for the Criterion Collection: I refuse to pay that much for a DVD. I don't care if it comes with a fancy cover, loads of bonus bullshit I don't watch anyway or even slightly better image quality. Audio commentaries? Please. To me, that's the most stupid idea since nuclear-explosion-cars. I yet have to watch/listen to a single audio commentary. I don't have the patience to sit through a whole movie with some guy babbling semi-interesting stuff all the time.
Uh, a couple things.

1. You're poor. Learn how not to be.
2. Audio commentaries are only good if the people making them are interesting; obviously you should start watching better movies.
3. BluRais are indeed expensive, but at target or wal-mart you can buy them for regular DVD prices occasionally. I have yet to fully switch over from DVD, and I probably won't, considering that DVDs can be played on BluRai players/my PS3.
1. I'm not poor, I just tend to spending my money wisely. Like, not buying DVDs for 40$.
2. I'd rather watch a movie I don't know yet than an audio commentary for one that I've already seen.
3. You also need an expensive TV and an expensive player. A PS3 is not really an option as it uses more than ten times as much power as a standalone player. That's insane.
SupermanOctopus said:
Also, come on, dude.
It's HD. It's awesome.

Like I said, you're basically suckers that are the puppets of marketeers and you don't even know it. But it's no problem, you're basically making shit cheaper for me.

Buxbaum666 said:
3. You also need an expensive TV and an expensive player. A PS3 is not really an option as it uses more than ten times as much power as a standalone player. That's insane.

Don't forget plasma TVs also eat up an average of 340 Watts. That means the two together eat up an insane 510+ Watts. Anyone who ever bought a plasma TV is an idiot.

Any plasma TV will cost you 100 USD extra per year in energy bills for watching TV, and that's assuming you watch an average amount, if you're a TV or film junky it'll be a lot higher. Some even exceed 200 USD extra, and that's just for the TV and not the player.

And the price of energy is only going up.

Seriously, if you think all of this is worth it, you're an idiot.
I think I stand somewhere in between Buxy and SuperOctopus. I have definitely enjoyed DVD extra features and commentaries on some of my favorite movies, but at the same time I'm extremely selective on which movie I would pay more money for (plus if I get a box set or a CC, I'll be looking for it used on amazon).

I have a different problem though. I'm getting tired of collecting physical things in general. I used to think that having a big DVD / CD library would be awesome but lately the more and more my library grows the more annoyed I am by it. I mean you gotta have the space and then there's dust and if you have to move, it becomes an even bigger hassle.

I recently got Netflix and one of the big motivating factors for me to get it was their instant viewing feature. There's quite a few older movies that are available that are already part of my collection. So now, I can travel anywhere and it's like I have a large portion of my DVD collection with me at all times. True it's only DVD-ish quality but I'll definitely take a loss in quality over the convenience.
Brother None said:
Like I said, you're basically suckers that are the puppets of marketeers and you don't even know it. But it's no problem, you're basically making shit cheaper for me.

Don't forget plasma TVs also eat up an average of 340 Watts. That means the two together eat up an insane 510+ Watts. Anyone who ever bought a plasma TV is an idiot.

Any plasma TV will cost you 100 USD extra per year in energy bills for watching TV, and that's assuming you watch an average amount, if you're a TV or film junky it'll be a lot higher. Some even exceed 200 USD extra, and that's just for the TV and not the player.

And the price of energy is only going up.

Seriously, if you think all of this is worth it, you're an idiot.

Then an "idiot" I am.

If you can't see that the image quality of Blu-Ray is higher than that of a standard DVD, then you are blind or need a higher strength for your glasses prescription.

My PS3 serves my Blu-Ray watching needs, as well as provides me with gaming goodness.

Any my 42" Plasma kicks ass.
rcorporon said:
If you can't see that the image quality of Blu-Ray is higher than that of a standard DVD, then you are blind or need a higher strength for your glasses prescription.
I agree that image quality is slightly higher but I'm not willing to pay the price. Thing is, you're basically a beta-tester. And you're paying shitloads of money for it.
Like BN said, it's a good thing there's people like you. I'm totally with him here, I'll wait until it's cheaper and technically mature.
Until then I'm totally happy with watching DVDs on my 20"(-ish) CRT TV. I'll probably get an affordable LCD when it breaks. (it's about 15 years old now)
rcorporon said:
Then an "idiot" I am.

If you can't see that the image quality of Blu-Ray is higher than that of a standard DVD, then you are blind or need a higher strength for your glasses prescription.

Dumbass. I never said it's not higher quality, I said it's not worth it. And it's not. Regardless of what you think, your PS3+42" Plasma does not actually make your penis any bigger. Instead, you're stuck beta testing for smart people, while also paying energy bills up the waazo. You spent - I would guess - 1000 USD and will now pay an additional 250+ USD every year just to make my life easier. A winner is me, but not you, you got jacked.

Look man, if you got the bread then good on you, it's your choice how to waste it. Just don't kid yourself that what you're doing is anything better than waste + betatesting for everyone else.
It's not a complete waste at all, BN. It's a luxury, certainly, but no more than an SUV is over a compact for a single person. Some people want it, some people can afford it. Sorry you're poor and bitter, Brosef Stalin.
I'm a student, there's no reason for me to be concerned with wealth. That said, I could afford it if I really wanted it. Obviously, I don't. Early adopting is just paying for other people's pleasure, that's not for me. In a few years time, I'll be enjoying BluRay and HDTV technology at no higher cost than I'm paying for my setup now, all thanks to the money you threw at it.

So thanks :ok: Hope you enjoy bankrolling me.
Brother None said:
Don't forget plasma TVs also eat up an average of 340 Watts. That means the two together eat up an insane 510+ Watts. Anyone who ever bought a plasma TV is an idiot.
LCDs are usually run a bit more efficiently than plasma TVs, and some older CRTs are pretty inefficient too. But yeah, anything electronic is going to run up your electric bill, but a lot of people have plenty of other ways to become more energy efficient - a more efficient refrigerator, dishwasher, clothes washer, or lighting; use less AC/heat; unplug devices on standby mode; hang dry clothes; drive less. So if you did all of those and then bought the most efficient large-screen TV you could for the size you want, then why should you feel bad about it. You would probably save energy overall.

And as for Blu-Ray I wouldn't say it is a waste of money to spend $300 (US) bucks on a player if you have already splurged on a large-screen TV. It is probably a waste of money to buy a whole bunch of discs right now, but if you buy just the few that you know you like on Amazon where they are cheaper (and before you do you make sure that they have video quality that justifies the expense) and then use Netflix to get new releases, then you probably aren't being wantonly wasteful. You may get a home theater experience that rivals your local theater. And that might save you money on petrol.
Brother None said:
I'm a student, there's no reason for me to be concerned with wealth. That said, I could afford it if I really wanted it. Obviously, I don't. Early adopting is just paying for other people's pleasure, that's not for me. In a few years time, I'll be enjoying BluRay and HDTV technology at no higher cost than I'm paying for my setup now, all thanks to the money you threw at it.

So thanks :ok: Hope you enjoy bankrolling me.

You realize I live at home and don't pay for shit? :P I did buy my PS3 and the only BluRay I own, Iron Man. My parents payed for our awesome 5X" Plasma and our 32" LCD. As well as electricity. That too.
Oh, sorry, Octo, I didn't realise you're just a kid, which I guess absolves you of responsibility for your stupidity.
SupermanOctopus said:
You realize I live at home and don't pay for shit? :P I did buy my PS3 and the only BluRay I own, Iron Man. My parents payed for our awesome 5X" Plasma and our 32" LCD. As well as electricity. That too.
Why do you say that you live at home, with your parents as if it is a good thing?