Croatian Goat thing

mmmm i live in Croatia and i find this the stupidest topic ever btw Kharn "Well we could...fuck it, why am I comparing one of the richest and most powerful nations* of the world to Poorsville, a part of the Arse End of the world"

how old are you? kick ass some country? ow lord please dont bullshit around if you dont know jack shit what are you thinking do you think wars just go bang bang haha your dead any we win mwuahahahaha lord please hold my hands il rip him apart....

we coulde kick your ass np how much people does your county has? if we coulde beat serbia with twice as many ppl we can eat you and your litl ice cube land so be quiet ! kiddo

btw Murdoch and who are you calling a serb?

some ppl will never learn to be mature and think that way simply need to find them burn them piss on ash and build houses for gipsiys
abigorn said:
how old are you? kick ass some country? ow lord please dont bullshit around if you dont know jack shit what are you thinking do you think wars just go bang bang haha your dead any we win mwuahahahaha lord please hold my hands il rip him apart....

Yeah. You know both Ratty and I were kidding around, right?

abigorn said:
we coulde kick your ass np how much people does your county has? if we coulde beat serbia with twice as many {It's "people". You can write legibly. Don't bother crying about it.} we can eat you and your litl ice cube land so be quiet ! kiddo


abigorn said:
btw Murdoch and who are you calling a serb?

Alright, dude, it might be a good idea for you to calm down rather than flying at the throats of settled regulars in your 3rd post. It's obvious you're completely missing the joking tone of this thread, I would suggest you do not getting involved

abigorn said:
some {It's "people". You can write legibly. Don't bother crying about it.} will never learn to be mature and think that way simply need to find them burn them piss on ash and build houses for gipsiys

Ehehehe, oh man.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa it was a joke mmmmmmmmm wots that..... ah yes that thing where you show your teeth ah ofcourse

ok yep i shagged 3 goats today they where mighty fine and once i cum in them i baked them and eat them you know fyed spearm is similiar to holand souse..... funny aint it?

anyway i must say how d hell world knows bout mine goat shagging?

you know it is all for spamm i wil have most posts on this board or lord will rape me "so who thy ofend the lord mey be raped in teh arse"

and we dont want that do we? sooo may the spamm hunt begin!!! mwuahahhahaahahahahhhhahahh :twisted: might want to use the "spellcheck feature" before you hit the submit button.

This is also the second thread that you mention the spaming of this board.

I'll cut it in the bud, and strongly advise you to not go down that path. YOu might want to read in that last sentence that if you do, you'll have your first strike.
ok mr.moderator i said il stop spamming in my "hey im new" topic so if you read there woulde know that i wont spamm...

and when i registrated on this forum i thought this is a happy bunch of ppl enjoying playing fallout and it tourns a bit dosnt it?
Abigorn, I live in Croatia as well, and I must say I'm appalled by your immaturity and lack of netiquette. Not only did you attack an administrator of this forum, you also spammed the thread with nonsensical bullshit and demonstrated that you can't spell worth shit (how you managed to get through any of our schools without even learning the basics of English grammar and spelling is beyond me). It's morons like you that give Croatia a bad name. I'm ashamed to admit that I share country with such an immature, ill-mannered dipshit.

Now, if you can't show a minimum of courtesy (remember, you are a newbie on these boards, so act with a bit of humility and politeness), then I suggest you take your impudent, unmannerly ass elsewhere, preferably as far away from a public forum as possible. If you wish to receive any treatment other than utter contempt on these boards, correct your tone, alter your attitude, put some effort in your spelling, admit that you are a dolt with no manners and publicly apologize to all of NMA for your behaviour. If, on the other hand, you still insist on acting like an idiot, prepare to be chewed and spit out like the piece of trash you are by one of the board nazis. Oh, and pray that we never run into each other in the street.
Oh, and pray that we never run into each other in the street.

hahahahahaahahaha right i really dont know whats wrong with you people anyway ok ban me i dont care if you boys and girls cant take a joke fine...

and Ratty really nice way of showing your maturity...

btw i didnt learn english at school so that is why my grammar is bad ...

cya all i really even dont know why did i register on this forum all people acting like they hold god by balls .....
You idiot. How the hell are we supposed to know that you are kidding when we can neither understand your terrible grammar or your humor? Message boards are no different than a group of friends; you don't just come into a group and expect everyone to know who you are and what you're about. Not only will they not care, but they will think you are an idiot.

all i must say that this board is the most unfriendly board ever...

ffs your all just some stupid old farts it is a shame that people like you play this game you dont deserve it bitches

oh btw plz ban me assholes you can suck my 31337 cock bastards
abigorn said:
ok yep i shagged 3 goats today they where mighty fine and once i cum in them i baked them and eat them you know fyed spearm is similiar to holand souse.

anyway i must say how d hell world knows bout mine goat shagging?

3 goats in a day? And you ask why everyone knows about your deed?

Hmmmm.... goats.... maybe that's the secret behind Croatia's football (soccer) team training. Hmmmm that's why Greece's team brought a goat to the camp. a decoy. Hmmmmmm.

abigorn said:
oh btw {"plz" bitch-slap me.} ban me assholes you can suck my 31337 cock bastards

Stop offending the moderators. Let the old farts alone.

Ratty is right. You are a shame to Croatia. And I don't know why they are letting you post here. I'm going to send a report to Roshambo.

oh btw leet-speak suxs.
EyeMaster7 said:
nd I don't know why they are letting you post here. I'm going to send a report to Roshambo.

Ehehehe, "send a report".

We've already noticed, and would have already intervened, but Ugly John called dibs, so he's got total freedom in handling this...person
you know i woulde love to be here is some ppl wouldnt take this board so damn serious ...
i didnt mean some things but ffs calling me to be a shame for croatia is really a bad thing and please dont do it again coz your parents didnt die for this country...
*orders...coming..can't....resist.....* *bitch-slaps abigorn*

you know i woulde love to be here is some {It's "people". You can write legibly. Don't bother crying about it.} wouldnt take this board so damn serious ...
Because, you know, it's so easy to recognise sarcasm, humor and irony on the internet, especially when it's so well-done and humorful as it was in your posts.
In case you were too dumb to notice, that was sarcasm.
i didnt mean some things but ffs calling me to be a shame for croatia is really a bad thing
Why? Other people than you decide whether you're a shame for your country. And you haven't been behaving well, here.
and please dont do it again coz your parents didnt die for this country...
How do you know his parents didn't die for Croatia? Maybe Ratty's parents did die for Croatia.
Plus, the fact that someone's parents died for a country doesn't give any merit to their children. Tsch. That'd mean you'd have to kill Hitler's children simply for being Hitler's family, and you'd have to congratulate Einstein's children because their father discovered the theory of relativity.

Note that Hitler didn't actually have any kids. :P
abigorn said:
you know i woulde love to be here is some {It's "people". You can write legibly. Don't bother crying about it.} wouldnt take this board so damn serious ...
i didnt mean some things but ffs calling me to be a shame for croatia is really a bad thing and please dont do it again coz your parents didnt die for this country...

Why would my parents die for Croatia?

And weren't you gone?