Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin dead!

Stag said:
Pope Viper said:
I guess I can't feel sympathy for a guy that knowingly endangered his life.

I do feel for his wife and kids, though.

Um, what are you talking about this? Does this mean that if a fireman dies, you don't give a shit?

No straw man arguments, please.

A fireman obviously has a purpose for endangering their life, as does a policeman or anyone else in such a position. Steve Irwin was simply the Oz equivalent of "Hey y'all, watch THIS!" with animals. He might have been generous, or quite kindly, but he was frequently quite stupid. If it wasn't for his spawn, then he would have already won this year's Darwin Awards.

I do believe he gets an honorable mention.
He used good ol' PROVOCATION so the people pay attention to that what he did and what he had to say.
Like a fireman rescues people from fire, a policeman from criminals, Steve rescued the nature from humanity.
And all his "croc wrestling" shit is necessery. He showed the people how to handle and restrain a massive beast like croc.

Steve bought land all over the world just to make it his private property so he can make reserves of it.
He was a true hero. A weird one. But still a hero. He endangered himself extremly, just to open other peoples eyes.
Vox said:
He used good ol' PROVOCATION so the people pay attention to that what he did and what he had to say.
Like a fireman rescues people from fire, a policeman from criminals, Steve rescued the nature from humanity.

Too bad he couldn't save humanity from nature, and the number of idiots who tried to copycat him.

And all his "croc wrestling" shit is necessery. He showed the people how to handle and restrain a massive beast like croc.

If that was YOUR idea of "wrestling", please leave it in the Blue Oyster, thank you. :D

Steve bought land all over the world just to make it his private property so he can make reserves of it.
He was a true hero. A weird one. But still a hero. He endangered himself extremly, just to open other peoples eyes.

Yeah, this included holding his baby nearby a croc, and other similar and uselessly stupid and dangerous stunts to mention. I'm not saying that he didn't do some good, but even the Village Idiot serves a purpose in showing people who happens when you regularly do stupid things, as do many other fine examples of natural selection. He was simply the kindly Village Idiot that wrestled crocs and annoyed the shit out of one too many things.

I'm not going to dismiss his accomplishments, as that wouldn't be fair and I agree with much of what he was doing with his preservation, but it similarly wouldn't be fair to not acknowledge the way he did things, and to be blunt, his mistakes. A person doesn't serve as a good example if you only concentrate on when things went right for them, you have to learn from their mistakes as well.

If you get a laugh from either, all the better. :lol:
kindly Village Idiot

I think this is pretty close to an accurate description. However I'd replace Village Idiot with Simple.

The weird thing is he's always been more famous overseas than in Australia, however when he died there was a huge reaction here. It could be that he represents Australian culture as it used to be 20-30 years ago and many people miss it.
Stag said:
Pope Viper said:
I guess I can't feel sympathy for a guy that knowingly endangered his life.

I do feel for his wife and kids, though.

Um, what are you talking about this? Does this mean that if a fireman dies, you don't give a shit?

I liked steve, weird as he was.

Umm, you aren't seriously trying to compare a guy who performs dangerous acts for television with an individual who voluntarily risks his life to save people/property?

I understand Steve was interested in the environment, and protecting various species, but to try to "educate" people by putting himself at risk, not to mention inadvertently teaching impressionable children it's ok to jack with dangerous creatures is just plain stupid.

I can respect his desire to protect the creatures, but I question his asinine methods.
Just saw the Tonight Show, and Jay Leno dedicated a WHOLE two minutes in memory of Irwin. Considering how frequently Steve Irwin was a guest on that show, I thought he'd get more than a measly 2 minute tribute.
Schuljunge said:
Stock said:
I thought he'd get more than a measly 2 minute tribute.

humans :roll:
they never think, they have enough.

2 minutes is like having sex, this is totally enough.

Uhm, no, it's not.

First you have 2 minutes of mourning, and when Leno keeps on joking and acting like an ass, like nothing ever fucking happened, it just comes off as unsincere. Fine, it's a comedy show, but still.
Well apperantly south park is going to make a new episode featuring irwin with a stingray sticking out of his chest. This has appearntly angered some australians. When finnaly the hype has died down people has to start a chaos over him again....damn.
Personally, I didn't give a shit. I love it when "bad joojoo" happens to other people... especially when I have the chance to see it all go down!

In fact, one day I was driving home after picking up some pizza that had been ordered, and there was this guy in front of me. He was swerving in and out of the lane, over-compensating by swerving way back to the right. As soon as I saw that, I said to myself "He he, it's a drunk... I better hang back a bit, but i wanna' stay close enough to see this shit happen." Sure enough, he over-compensated again, only this time he hit the median on the right side and his car flipped upside down.

I whipped out my cell phone and dialed 911 (but continued driving), and then I gave them the directions of where the wreck was. They told me "Do not attempt to get the driver out of his/her car." Upon which I said "Oh, I have no intention of stopping because my pizza is getting cold." {other end -- silence}

Pizza + free show = happy me