Crysis 2 - console dumbing or awesome game?


Mildly Dipped
I played the original one and Warhead, and it was fucking awesome.

Now i go to see on some sites (ex. Metacritic) as usual, those bad posts and reviews. I see good ones too, it's a shame most tell you to overlook some points in the game which make it shine. But the thing is as much as i want to think that some people are trolls (another dumbing i hate you bla bla) it usually isn't the case. Unfortunately...
So in general it's concluded that this is a likely port and fail compared to it's predecessor games. But, is it worth my time?
So did anybody play it, was it good enough? If it's like FEAR2 i might play it, but fear has at least a good story to look into too. This...not so much now.


Seeing something like this makes me want to puke. I want to play it nevertheless. Just wondering to how low will they go down to.
The multiplayer demo was awful. I was hoping that there would still be sufficiently awesome singleplayer, but I'm not prepared to pay full price for that - judging from user (video) reviews, the AI is pretty crap and there are texture bugs.

Oh well, that's what happens when you try to please everyone, I guess. No way a title will do both single and multiplayer really well and do so for all platforms.
I'm playing Crysis 1 and 2 intermittently and yes, they did indeed dumb down the game play in Crysis 2. Recoil was reduced a lot, energy expenditures were reduced, enemy health was reduced. The worst reduction is the environments. Whereas you had a lot of stealth and approach options in 1, there are a lot less of them in 2. There are many corridor type areas where you're forced to fight while being railroaded along a narrow path. This did not happen as much in 1.

Both games suffer from some low res textures, but overall, 1 looks prettier, if only because of the jungle environment. I honestly don't mind that 2 only has DX9 support. DX10 and 11 are mostly gimmicky and don't perform well. But this again illustrates the influence of the console -- things had to be simplified to fit the technical limitations of console hardware.

1's AI is somewhat more intelligent than 2's, though it can also stupidly get stuck on occasion.

The story is rather boring. You can see how they're really trying to go for some kind of really cinematic "epic sci fi" thing with lots of cinematic moments. Along with some bad voice acting it all just seems really cheap and hastily written.

So yeah...console game design philosophy dumbs down another franchise.
Well, wow. Looks like they fixed very little compared to that leak a couple months back. Such bullshit.
The multiplayer demo completely ruined Crysis 2 for me. Pressing Start? Logging in to some shitty account? Graphic settings are "Gamer", "Advanced" and "Hardcore"?
I really hope that this just happened because they were running out of time or something and that the final version will be better.
fedaykin said:
1's AI is somewhat more intelligent than 2's, though it can also stupidly get stuck on occasion.
Well, thanks to mods, there are some really good AI scripts out there for Crysis 1. AI that moves pretty much like a group of real soldiers would move. Of course, none of that can be experienced in Crysis 2, as modding is not very well supported (AFAIK).

Hassknecht said:
The multiplayer demo completely ruined Crysis 2 for me.
Yep. When I realised the demo was just a bit of multiplayer chaos (as opposed to a short singleplayer level to showcase the engine), I also realised that the game was gonna suck.
Thanks for info guys.
I conclude it's a more acceptable transition than DA2 is. But i really don't like the corridors and all that Gears of War crap, not like that in Crysis at least. First Crysis had so many options how to attack an enemy camp or a team, yeah, it is mostly because it was in the woods but this is urban jungle...we have urban stealth or cover but we can't move like a predator because we need to kill everyone in the designed Area? Because if you fall back they are right there(or in the walls), no option to evade them completely like it was before. It almost feels scripted. Heck, Prototype has more escape options. One guy in some video where he was praising the game options was shooting from the side of the building like a platform, which was there and you could tell it was made to be there and nowhere else. Same skin job. Set up that you can see and can't miss, that's hardly tactical thinking, it's all on served on a plate. It's fun, but...dumb fun.
I also couldn't believe that you can't destroy a glowing commercial in the city(the one we usually have on bus stops), at least shooting at it won't make the glass fall which is stupid.
Apart from that I too don't care too much about DX11 support because i don't have a high end machine, but coming from Crytek who is praised for high performance that is a disgrace. So do we blame EA again or what now?
I don't know how to feel anymore...all this shitting up feels like it's going to come on top of their heads. Until they settle we will suffer and games too.
Enthusiasts are still going to test their machine on the first Crysis, for now. But i doubt that simple patching Crysis 2 will fix it's graphic options much.
Yeah, the graphics options were really perplexing. I initially had trouble figuring out which was the highest option :D. Apparently "gamer" is the lowest. It's annoying that one has to edit config files to turn off certain performance-draining features like motion blur and anti-aliasing that forces itself on.
Aw c'mon smooth-skin, chill up!
And use that damn bandwidth, they didn't double it for nothing :D

Is the game lengthy or just another afternoon play?
I hoped to get at least one-two days of play from it :/
a sandbox FPS would be nice

but the only way i see it working is if ammo is moderately plentiful for the "lower" weapons and mediocre to rare for the high end weapons.

or to do it "zone" based.

and rather than corridor style levels, have objectives that are not hidden, so you can complete them in any order you want.

crytek made a nice attempt with crysis 1, but there were number of things that could be improved upon.

looks like they regressed a bit rather than taking the idea forward.
LinkPain said:
Aw c'mon smooth-skin, chill up!

I enjoyed Crysis, but it was dull at some points, and had hoped those stuff would get fixed in 2, even thought it was going to be published for consoles.
And I was really hoping that "urban jungle" would turn out well, but they had to go with corridor thingy...

LinkPain said:
And use that damn bandwidth, they didn't double it for nothing :D

You are on Orion are you not?

Is Gears of War so good that they have to copy corridoring from it? I played the first one on PC a little, but it was the usual console shit. With better story than most, at least imo.
SBB. Don't even know what Orion is.

Gears of War is a console shooter, and everyone knows what that means, but to be honest, it was better than all other modern console shooters I've played, and, though I'm little embarrassed to say this, I enjoyed it.
Don't know what got me on that game, maybe because Megadeth made the song for it.
What's with this Gears Of War nonsense? Crysis 2 is nothing like it.
It's less pretty than first one, less open too, but it's still not exactly a corridor shooter and still has some freedom in how to approach things. And it still looks pretty impressive at times, especially for a console game.
There's no doubt first one is better though, I actually fired it up right after finishing Crysis 2 to enjoy all that proper leaning and proning and destruction and pretty vegetation. Uh... ok fuck it, Crysis 2 is a decline. :D It's still better than all those COD clones, I hope console gamers like it.
yes. It just seems today that "modern" shooters have to offer you some kind of "freedom" what ever that now means even though it is all just an illusion. Like Crysis 1 or Far Cry have been really "open" and offered you a choice different to "kill them all". You just had the option to choose to "sneak" inside or with your guns blazing. Of course what Far Cry and Crysis did they did well. But that doesn't mean it's the answer to everything. There are many ways to do a good shooter. Fear 1 is a very straight forward corridor shooter. But is it good at doing it. Same for many of the "old" ones. Blood 1 and 2. Duke 3D. Even Doom.

So if Crysis 2 is a bit more "railroaded". So ? Who cares. If it is done well. And the game not over after 5 hours ...
Fucking aliens can see me when I use stealth, they gotta be cheating ¬¬

The cover system is an improvement, and Crytek soldiers are pretty decent (one of them did run from me to take cover in a barricade, instead of stand shooting until his death)

Gameplay feels a bit more.. what's the word? Locked, stoned? Not talking about options and routes, but more of movement, it feels like gravity is stronger, movements are not fluid like in Crysis 1.

And the texture of some objects are definitely lower than Crysis 1, kind of pre-rendered or whatever - that's more for 'pickable' objects, like bags and stuff. Still a lot better than a lot of games around, and cutting edge graphics are not really an issue as long as a game is well made - just felt like mentioning, since comparisons between C1 and C2 are being taken into account.

So far this Alcatraz guy didn't speak a single word, and I don't like mute protagonists. Imagine GTA Vice City with a mute Tommy Vercetti? The game wouldn't be 1/4 of what it was.