Thanks for putting in such an effort, I look forward to playing the mod 

Sometimes on using the elevators, the game will place you where need to be but doesn't centre on dude. Just scroll across map slightly to find dude,
I have the US edition with 1.02d and Killap's patch installed
Chris Parks said:I also checked through the plant and ant scripts but couldn't see a referencing problem. Could you be more specific as to what's wrong?
Finally, MIB88, would the header files and decompiled scripts be useful to you? I could send them if you want.
In the meantime, I can get on with the next project...
nny_ix said:actually I can't find it either, I'm using 1.02d with no patches or mods whatsoever, I loaded from a Save Game right after i beat the game and I can't seem to find the EPA, can you tell me what I'm doing wrong or what I could do to make it work, I read through the Fallout Bible and the EPA was my favorite thing about them.
nny_ix said:So I have to start the game over and get there, eventually trekking through the EPA?
If it's not too much to ask, do you think you could add script for those of us that beat the game and just want to travel there with a save where someone will mention the location and it appears in your map ala every other location?
nny_ix said:So I have to start the game over and get there, eventually trekking through the EPA?
If it's not too much to ask, do you think you could add script for those of us that beat the game and just want to travel there with a save where someone will mention the location and it appears in your map ala every other location?
^^To the creator of the wonderful mod btw.
Skynet said:Just delete the wordmap.dat. This forces game to recreate the file and the location should then show up.