I haven't gotten far into EPA yet, but some points I feel are worth mentioning so far:
When trying to use lockpick skill on locked doors outside no message is displayed.
Using the introductory pamphlet in the inventory leaves the inventory window open over the dialogue window. It can also block the text and response, making it only possible to exit the dialogue by pressing 1 or 0 on keyboard.
Some of the descriptions and functions of objects are out of place. The mounds of dirt are graves which you can dig up and they give you the grave digger status. Seems to me that it would be best for digging them up to be disabled. The description of the door entry computer next to the elevator mentions vault door, which is of course nowhere around.
The elevator is non-functional and described as damaged, so it would be nice if there was some kind of response for using science or repair on it. Just a minor detail.
edit: Going deeper... Around the big computer on level three there are several green hexes with the letter 'W' in them. When looking at them I get the description that they are walls.
The exit grid which leads to the warehouse outside is red while it should be green. Same for the grid leading away from it. I could also walk on parts of the exit grid at the warehouse without leaving the map. Seems like roughly the lower right half is like that.
When trying to use lockpick skill on locked doors outside no message is displayed.
Using the introductory pamphlet in the inventory leaves the inventory window open over the dialogue window. It can also block the text and response, making it only possible to exit the dialogue by pressing 1 or 0 on keyboard.
Some of the descriptions and functions of objects are out of place. The mounds of dirt are graves which you can dig up and they give you the grave digger status. Seems to me that it would be best for digging them up to be disabled. The description of the door entry computer next to the elevator mentions vault door, which is of course nowhere around.
The elevator is non-functional and described as damaged, so it would be nice if there was some kind of response for using science or repair on it. Just a minor detail.
edit: Going deeper... Around the big computer on level three there are several green hexes with the letter 'W' in them. When looking at them I get the description that they are walls.
The exit grid which leads to the warehouse outside is red while it should be green. Same for the grid leading away from it. I could also walk on parts of the exit grid at the warehouse without leaving the map. Seems like roughly the lower right half is like that.