Current Religious Statistics for the USA

Loxley said:
No. Other way around. When the church was taken over by the kings. In sweden as I remember it, it was Wasa that had to pay back his debt to lübeck that took all church property. Basically what I mean is that the church in those countries were taken over by the state. Statecontrolled church.
Yes that was when protestantism came to Scandinavia. Thus allowing the kings to control the church instead of the other way around. Main reason to why we adopted the Lutherian ways.
Ravager69 said:
People are leaving the major religions?

Gee, did the world suddenly realized praying to something that won't answer won't give you shit even if it does exist?

I dunno, maybe the people finally are getting smarter? :?

Nah, gotta be the Global Warming affecting their brains :lol:

who does seriously believe in the seperation of politics and religion is a fool. Sorry if it sounds harsh.

Politics and religion manage to perfectly coexist without much interference with each other in some east asian countries.

There's nothing wrong with being religious, but it should not be brought into politics, much less affect anything. "Freedom of religion" should also mean "freedom from religion". Whether that is an ideal that's attainable is a completely different discussion.

>> Wooz Yes, I was referring to the current situation more than the history. Because, historically, there was obviously a lot more connection between church and state. The fact that the power of religion over politics is growing in some countries when it should be declining is unsettling - it's pretty much a step backwards in social development.

Yes, my Catholic brethren in Uzbekistan are planning a coup as we speak, and we're using Redemptionists as gate rams to their main castle!

Ha. Ha. :shock: :shock: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :clap: :clap: :clap: :crazy:

Thanks, that was really funny.