Judging by Beth’s pattern, it’ll be at least two to four years before we play something like F5 and by that time I think there will be some new consoles to support better game engines then this old one (I’m certain that PC will not be lowest common denominator). By that time, even this Beth’s new one, will have a good mileage under its belt, but I’m almost sure F5 will be built with this “new” one with witch Skyrim has been built.
Thinking about this, I really don’t believe Bethesda, concerning Fallout games. Or any other game for that matter. Sure, I’m aware about sales figures and all talk about kids or casual people like it, but from Morrowind onward, there was nothing for me in their games but disappointment. Every world they did make was nice, even beautiful in terms of scenery – but empty. Or hollow, it’s a better word to describe sensation. Long time ago someone mentioned comparison to a beautiful stupid girl. But, if you can’t “make love” with her – she is pretty useless.
I was surprised with the news that Obsidian was planning to make NV, and for a long time, I was pleasantly surprised with the outcome, having in mind it was built on top Beth’s F3 POS. That’s maybe only way I could have some hopes regarding Fallout – if someone else then Bethesda make the game. Other then this – no way Hose.
To be honest, we’ll see soon what have they learn from past in Skyrim. But, time will pass until we read some real non-hyped review.
I tried Fallen Earth last month or so because I read some good things here. I stopped playing it week or so ago with having one level 30 and two level 18-19 playing characters (“toons”). Maybe FE have some smell of Fallout, it is NOT fallout game in any way imo.
Only impression that I have now, week or two after stop playing it is a feeling that I lost too many time on mounting horses or cars, shuffling things from one vault to another for no real ingame reason. (I spent great deal of time discussing this on help channel but what I achieved is only that someone explained me that I’m nice because I’m passive-aggressive and that things are like they are.) I’m almost certain it was intentional (as many little things ingame) not for reality sake but as a dev’s almost vile intention to spent time at this things, instead actually playing game. But than again, as always, I could be mistaken about that.