Daimyo watches a movie

The Raging Russian said:
You have a point, ConAir was quite good.

I didn't remember cage in that really though.

He was the lead actor... he was pretty much everything that wasn't john malcovich or that crazy guy from Armageadon.
SimpleMinded said:
The Raging Russian said:
You have a point, ConAir was quite good.

I didn't remember cage in that really though.

He was the lead actor... he was pretty much everything that wasn't john malcovich or that crazy guy from Armageadon.

I know he was the lead actor, I meant it like he didn't really make that movie stand out for me.
i liked The Rock, ConAir, Face/Off & Matchstick Men.

quite a few of his other movies aint bad either. at least they're entertaining.
Raising Arizona > Weather Man > FaceOff > ConAir > Lord of War > The Rock > Pile of dogshit > National Treasure > Next

There's my consensus on the films I have watched with him acting. Raising Arizona scores a 95%. Pile of dogshit scores a 15%.
I liked Matchstick Men a lot but it just felt so predictable at the end that I really just have kinda forgot about it.

It's too bad you didn't like Next Makagulfazel. I really liked the premise of seeing only briefly into the future and they had some classic scenes with it. I thought the scene in the diner where Nicholas Cage met the girl was a classic.

And as meh as National Treasure is, I think it's a lot more entertaining than the new Indiana Jones, even though it was a pretty big rip off of the older ones.

EDIT: Crud, can't believe I forgot his role in Adaptation which was probably one of his best ones. Playing the two characters at once and in completely different ways, I have to applaud him.
SimpleMinded said:
It's too bad you didn't like Next Makagulfazel. I really liked the premise of seeing only briefly into the future and they had some classic scenes with it. I thought the scene in the diner where Nicholas Cage met the girl was a classic.

The diner scene was pretty humorous. The main thing I didn't like about the movie was how clunky the whole, "I can see into the future" ordeal seemed. I'm pretty sure that if I could see into the future I would be able to escape my nemesis - no matter the situation. Also, all I'm going to say is bullet dodging. WTF was that? Too far-fetched for me.

Basically, I hated the movie - Not Cage so much.
I don't know, it's trippy when you think that you can only see so far into the future. With the bullet dodging, he would have seen how every possible place might have hit him for 2 minutes, so it's almost like something better than slo-mo, it's like a sneak preview.

I guess the question arises as to how much you can change when you only find things out two minutes in advance.

Maybe parts of it were flawed, but when you introduce a concept of seeing into the future, there's always problems that arise. I can't think of any movie that's done it flawlessly. But I think they did a pretty good job on it and introduced some neat concepts.

To each his own though :).
Brother None said:
Wait, you're saying Nicholas Cage is actually a comedic actor, and with his horrible performances is basically trolling all of Hollywood?!

That...that makes so much sense...the man is a genius!

shit... that never gets old hahahahhahahah !!!! :rofl:

and yes...nicholas cage is one of the most "funniest" actors ever !
i understood why lynch, who is the bestest director of all times, casted him for the lula and sailor movie. great, great acting. and hes terrific in "bringing out the dead". i thing "bringing" is a great movie, but my view on movies with medical topics is always skewered because of my profession. so it might be that for normal people this movie and cage acting in it sucked, for me it was a great depiction of what moves you when you work in the medical field.

in all the other movies, he tends to suck donkey balls. alsoplustoo, the german synchro voice is annoying as fuck. strangely, it works well with b. willis, who has the same synchro voice actor.