Damaged Armor?

Not to spoil all the fun you'd (personally) have micromanaging all that armor and weapons, in the interest of gameplay, I think maintenance of weapons and armor should be kept to some minimum; enough that it is an element but not enough that it's a huge as you'd have it. Just a balance issue; as realistic as you care to make a game, some things take a back seat to fun, like how you never need to eat or drink (Although you can) or shit or anything like that. Too much realism detracts from the gameplay, or just comes off as stupid (remember the natural hazards in FO1? A few points of damage from tripping or thirst that you'd heal back up in a few hours travel?)
I know it seems useless, but until you've actually played 'a' game wiholyth what i've depicted in my previous post, you dont realise that its a good balance. It doesnt spoil anything. plus the repair skill in Fallout is underused anyway. I recommend trying Jagged Alliance or Jagged Alliance 2. I think they're perfected the art of incorperating weapon, armour damage into a game in a way that both suits the gameplay and respects the 'balance'. This concept is easily transferrable to Fallout and i reckon it'd be sweet as. sweet as mate. :ok:

Instead of damaged armor over time, I would like to see the armor get tarnished and age without the armor losing its ablility to protect you. There should also be an option to have it cleaned at a shop or at a well or something. This would add a little bit of realism to the game, without over doing it or having to carry arount a bunch a repair crap..