Dawn of War 3 announced!!!!!

I'm sure everyone noticed the warlord titan (Reaver Titan? Or Imperial knight, can't really tell) in the picture, I wonder how far that's going to set you back in the game. Or if its going to be a "special" scenario unit?
I'm sure everyone noticed the warlord titan (Reaver Titan? Or Imperial knight, can't really tell) in the picture, I wonder how far that's going to set you back in the game. Or if its going to be a "special" scenario unit?
It's an Imperial Knight. Probably going to be "special", since Imperial Knights are not actual Spess Mehreen units. Maybe the Magpies stole some shiny shit from a Knight World and they're just trying to get their relics back or something :D
Well if you ever want it to go faster just paint it red, at least that's what I have learned.
Its a shame GW made getting into the table top games so expensive and difficult now. But at least they whore out the IP enough to keep it alive.
RPG ? well, based on that tagline alone i dont think there would be a peaceful resolution in quest ala rpg
I know, but..... having read one of the novel and doing many research, the universe of the 40k is HUGE. So many galaxies, so many sectors, so many planets..... though, in its' present timeline (year ~42000?) no seconds passed without war. But with that long timeline? It's interesting to explore the setting from year 3000 to year 40000. Heck, Fallout universe might as well come off as a precursor to the 40k universe (in my fanon, though :wiggle:)
I know, but..... having read one of the novel and doing many research, the universe of the 40k is HUGE. So many galaxies, so many sectors, so many planets..... though, in its' present timeline (year ~42000?) no seconds passed without war. But with that long timeline? It's interesting to explore the setting from year 3000 to year 40000. Heck, Fallout universe might as well come off as a precursor to the 40k universe (in my fanon, though :wiggle:)

look if you persistent to make rpg out of warhammer universe, the warhammer 30k or even 20k is more fitting. any era before age of strife period. that unless you use brighthammer 40k setting :P
look if you persistent to make rpg out of warhammer universe, the warhammer 30k or even 20k is more fitting. any era before age of strife period. that unless you use brighthammer 40k setting :P
I'm not persistent tho. But, yeah, that's what I meant with making an RPG set in the 40k Universe but not in year 40k. The scope of the universe and the stretch of the timeline..... it's so BIG!

The problem would lies in the canonicity of the events that lead up to the current events in year 40k :confused:
As someone who hasn't played any Dawn of War, are tyranids a factor in any of the games?
Long time coming; and over due. Here is hoping for something that plays a lot closer to this [below], than to the likes Spacemarine (or something simplified from it).

*Note: Ah ha... The screen caps [above] just popped into view. It looks decent. 8-)

It does look a bit weird IMO but i may just be picky.
It looks almost reminiscent of the Diablo III engine, doesn't it?

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The Universe is big enough. Give a look at Rogue Trader tabletop RPG, you can have 100% pacific run if you wish to.
surely? i doubt that, reading the description of life in adeptus mechanicus forge world or hive world is like going peaceful budha in mad max world (as opposed to the book of eli)
surely? i doubt that, reading the description of life in adeptus mechanicus forge world or hive world is like going peaceful budha in mad max world (as opposed to the book of eli)
Which is why I hope there's a developer out there with a surge of creativity to tackle on the dilemma and neverending conflict of daily lives of the 40k universe. Or maybe I'll try that one day with my own story. My username for this site? It's a name for a character I wanted to place somewhere in the 40k universe, with a pacifist-like mindset due to his origin... but that's a story for another day ;)