Dead Island


Fmr. President of racism.
Dont waste you're :lol: money on this garbage. Awesome teaser trailer, shit game. Sorry. Fail. It's like Bioshock, but terrible. Even has a aussie in an elevator telling me to get a weapon, and collect money. I had to laugh at that. It's terrible. I can't believe I just wasted 50 bucks on this crap. I should have been a good consumer and read the (inevitable) bad reviews. Trust me, don't buy it. Your welcome.
I honestly do like Dead Island. It has it's flaws and it's buggy but I really do feel like I'm having fun playing it.

It's one of those games where I can ignore most of the glaring flaws and bugs and just play. Level scaling kinda sucks. The area become a tad hard to get through with base weapons. After awhile though I tend to find that horribly bashing zombies feels good. At least to me. I can't find all that much wrong with it though I hear alot of complaining.

I take it for what it is and move on with it. It's a good zombie smasher with visceral combat. The combat feels good and right every time I fight.

The graphics are pretty good if glitchy at times.

Also it's "you're". Don't be trollin'.
mobucks said:
Dont waste your money on this garbage.

Unfortunately I did and I agree with you, this game is a POS.


-Extremely repetitive missions.

-Level scaling.

-A very small FOV only suitable for CRT monitors and consoles.

-Over-use of bloom effects that should be against international law. Everything bathes in bloom. (perhaps to hide shitty textures and countless other technical flaws)

-Maximum motion blur, move your mouse an inch enjoy motion blur.

-Graphical customization options are a joke, you have to open a file with notepad to be able to change certain basic options, unfortunately there is no way to turn down or off the sickening motion blur and bloom.

-Keyboard and mouse play causes lag. Overall control is sluggish.
We are not allowed to assign commands to all of the mouse buttons or numerical keys, instead we have to use the freaking weapon wheel! (hold middle mouse button down and turn mouse around...)

-Voice over IP is ALWAYS on, enjoy hearing every sound echoed 2 times or more + some guy (or more as the case may be)breathing in your ear.

-Inconsistent model, scenery, and environmental design. Some parts look ok, while other areas look like something out of a console game from ten years ago.

-The character animations would have been passable on the first Playstation.

-The voice acting is beyond laughable.

-All characters are annoying unlikable stereotypes.

-Crap optimisation. (Example: Goes from +200 fps to 15 for no reason on my computer )

From a developer with a less-than-good past with video games, I'm wondering why you guys even took the "day 1 buy" route.

After seeing Oblivion I thought everyone knew not to trust trailers anymore.
Reconite said:
From a developer with a less-than-good past with video games, I'm wondering why you guys even took the "day 1 buy" route.

After seeing Oblivion I thought everyone knew not to trust trailers anymore.

Difference being that Oblivion turned out to be a decent game despite the "false advertising".

And you shouldn't take everything at face value anyway and ALWAYS wait for reviews, they saved me money on Brink (another game I was on the fence about along with DI).
thegaresexperience said:
Reconite said:
From a developer with a less-than-good past with video games, I'm wondering why you guys even took the "day 1 buy" route.

After seeing Oblivion I thought everyone knew not to trust trailers anymore.

Difference being that Oblivion turned out to be a decent game despite the "false advertising".

And you shouldn't take everything at face value anyway and ALWAYS wait for reviews, they saved me money on Brink (another game I was on the fence about along with DI).

thegaresexperience said:
Difference being that Oblivion turned out to be a decent game despite the "false advertising".


But yeah, almost everyone I've read playing DI so far has reported that it's a very flawed game, to stay generous. Though it is never safe these days to buy a game at day one, regardless who developed it.
Tragic, I was really hoping for a TRUE survival horror game. Too many zombie games today are about co-op and body counts.

I'm still waiting for that true zombie game where the focus isn't on killing. Where every encounter with a zombie has to be carefully gauged, forcing the player to ask himself "Is it worth wasting my precious resources on this creature?" I want an open environment that can lead to multiple paths of escape, but you have to be careful because every play through, the creature spawning is different aka Left 4 Dead. I want it where many of the in game world's items can be used to block off access to areas, board up doors or used as makeshift melee weapons. A game that has the player treat his wounds and even a small bite from a zombie be fatal if left untended. People today think a zombie apocalypse is something that would be fun and hilariously action-packed. I want a game that shows them just how tragic and horrible such an event is.
ZeusComplex said:
Tragic, I was really hoping for a TRUE survival horror game. Too many zombie games today are about co-op and body counts.

I'm still waiting for that true zombie game where the focus isn't on killing. Where every encounter with a zombie has to be carefully gauged, forcing the player to ask himself "Is it worth wasting my precious resources on this creature?" I want an open environment that can lead to multiple paths of escape, but you have to be careful because every play through, the creature spawning is different aka Left 4 Dead. I want it where many of the in game world's items can be used to block off access to areas, board up doors or used as makeshift melee weapons. A game that has the player treat his wounds and even a small bite from a zombie be fatal if left untended. People today think a zombie apocalypse is something that would be fun and hilariously action-packed. I want a game that shows them just how tragic and horrible such an event is.

I think this comes very close to what you want: and it's even an RPG. :)
Agreed with Crni, Resident Evil REmake is top notch in some (not all) of those aspects, Zeus.

The reason I did the day one buy was I was on teamspeak with some Irish blokes waiting for their ARMA 2 server to come back online, and they were talking about it, and well, at the time, I was a little hammered and it sounded like a lot of fun. (im not sure if something was lost in translation, but I thought I heard them mention you can use Maxi-Pads from the ladies room as makeshift bandages; that was my selling point) Agh! I see now that I did make a mistake with the last your, sorry I was 5 IPAs deep when I wrote that. I will correct it! :lol:
The game really is not that bad. I have some good fun in Co Op yes there are some bugs thats holding it back from being a great game but still there is some fun to be had.

I don't have a great PC at the moment but the game run flawless on high settings.

If anyone is up for some Co Op add me on steam.

steam Id: Serifan
Crni Vuk said:
that would be resident evil 1 then

"That was too close! You were almost a Jill sandwich!"
'Jill, here's a lockpick. It might come it handy if you, the master of unlocking, take it with you.'
"Hope this is not CHRIS' blood"
"WHAT. What IS this?"

Sorry, but when I think of RE1, all I can think of is the voice acting for Barry. Maybe I watch too many Phelous videos. :mrgreen:
ZeusComplex said:
Tragic, I was really hoping for a TRUE survival horror game. Too many zombie games today are about co-op and body counts.

I'm still waiting for that true zombie game where the focus isn't on killing. Where every encounter with a zombie has to be carefully gauged, forcing the player to ask himself "Is it worth wasting my precious resources on this creature?" I want an open environment that can lead to multiple paths of escape, but you have to be careful because every play through, the creature spawning is different aka Left 4 Dead. I want it where many of the in game world's items can be used to block off access to areas, board up doors or used as makeshift melee weapons. A game that has the player treat his wounds and even a small bite from a zombie be fatal if left untended. People today think a zombie apocalypse is something that would be fun and hilariously action-packed. I want a game that shows them just how tragic and horrible such an event is.

A little off topic, but, Rogue Surviver is one of the games that comes closest to real survival. If you can get past the graphics and the controls, it's a barrel of monkeys.
Project Zomboid:

I didd'nt want to start a new thread to ask but, does anyone have this game and can tell us if it is a complete game at this stage? The website seems to say it's still a beta, so i'm not sure if it is worth the purchase just yet.

If its a full featured beta, im all go, but if it has core features waiting to be implimented, I'll wait.
Check videos on youtube, it certainly is in a playable state but I'm not sure how finished it is.
Watched one a few weeks back which was quite good, he ended up getting killed by a psychotic survivor who proceeded to run out into the zombies.
mobucks said:
Project Zomboid:

I didd'nt want to start a new thread to ask but, does anyone have this game and can tell us if it is a complete game at this stage? The website seems to say it's still a beta, so i'm not sure if it is worth the purchase just yet.

If its a full featured beta, im all go, but if it has core features waiting to be implimented, I'll wait.

It's definitely not complete, but it's in a playable state (think Minecraft) and is a really cool game. There are a lot of features that the developers are planning to add but it's worth the purchase now since it will probably go up in price soon.

Right now it's just kind of a cool demo to show what the game is capable of, not a complete game.
The IGN review compared this game to Fallout 3. I haven't played this game yet but if it encourages the player to actually explore the enviroment I wouldn't mind giving it a shot. But something tells me that this game is somewhat co-op focused, just like Borderlands and I am not much into co-op. Borderlands was fun though, I always enjoyed replaying the game for better loot. The Atmosphere and the music were also quite neat.