mobucks said:
Dont waste your money on this garbage.
Unfortunately I did and I agree with you, this game is a POS.
-Extremely repetitive missions.
-Level scaling.
-A very small FOV only suitable for CRT monitors and consoles.
-Over-use of bloom effects that should be against international law.
Everything bathes in bloom. (perhaps to hide shitty textures and countless other technical flaws)
-Maximum motion blur, move your mouse an inch enjoy motion blur.
-Graphical customization options are a joke, you have to open a file with notepad to be able to change certain basic options, unfortunately there is no way to turn down or off the sickening motion blur and bloom.
-Keyboard and mouse play causes lag. Overall control is sluggish.
We are not allowed to assign commands to all of the mouse buttons or numerical keys, instead we have to use the freaking weapon wheel! (hold middle mouse button down and turn mouse around...)
-Voice over IP is ALWAYS on, enjoy hearing every sound echoed 2 times or more + some guy (or more as the case may be)breathing in your ear.
-Inconsistent model, scenery, and environmental design. Some parts look ok, while other areas look like something out of a console game from ten years ago.
-The character animations would have been passable on the first Playstation.
-The voice acting is beyond laughable.
-All characters are annoying unlikable stereotypes.
-Crap optimisation. (Example: Goes from +200 fps to 15 for no reason on my computer )