Dead Money trailer out


But best title ever!
Since it's coming out next Tuesday and it was confirmed that it would have a trailer it was to be expected, so, without further ado, here's the trailer for Dead Money, the first New Vegas DLC.

<center><embed src=";hl=it_IT" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></center>

Thanks Ausir and maggit.
Exciting. The DLC "Volume 1" text makes me wonder how many of these they have planned, and if they're all timed exclusives.
I hope it will not be as hard scripted, as it feels to me after I've watched the trailer.
It looks like some bizarre mixture of SAW, Stalker, BioShock and some ghost game, but not like Fallout. :( When I first heard about this DLC I was kinda "meh, ok", but this video most certainly didnt kick for me.
I know we will get it eventually as Bethesda can not resist the lure of cash but I am somewhat frustrated that we are passed in favor for the Xbox.

How does Microsoft actually manage to make a contract for exclusive first releases?
I'll guess Father Elija will be Jigsa... I mean, he most likely is the voice talking to you, giving you orders.
Here is how I think, and probably everyone on this forum has already guessed by now, how the DLC will start.

The player is lured to the mystery bunker between Camp Forlorn Hope and Camp Nelson by the radio signal.

Once inside the player is knocked out by knock out gas.
When the player wakes up he is near the Sierra Madre and has lost all his stuff, wearing that jump suit and the explosive collar.
First thing that makes me wonder:

Why is the player the only one of the three who wears that jumpsuit? :>
The original tailors werent aware that there'll be some super mutant customers in the future maybe. :P

Here is how I think, and probably everyone on this forum has already guessed by now, how the DLC will start.

Wasnt that just the BoS Safehouse-Bunker?
First Impression: Well-designed advert, but very (re: too) action driven.

I suppose it would be too difficult to show how all of the skills are relevent to this quest and spoiler-ish to give a hint of the multiple ways of making it through.

I'll wait for opinions from others before downloading it. Don't want to make another Operation: Anchorage mistake. That was a frozen-cold turd of a DLC.
What's with those psych rays crap anyway? They don't make sense. And to be honest it feels less Fallout than the last FO3 DLCs. That's not good.
Briosafreak said:
What's with those psych rays crap anyway? They don't make sense. And to be honest it feels less Fallout than the last FO3 DLCs. That's not good.

Aren't those the advanced security system? I thought the press release said something about an advanced security system at the Sierra Madre that was still operational. Hmm, maybe that's all assumption.
Really...I have a 360 and I'm not running to dl this! I will be waiting for a few reviews first...not impress at all. :crazy:
That don't looks too "fallout" to meh as well. More like "Wow, have you watched"SAW" movies? Lets make something like that in next DLC!"
So basicly it looks like we will get involved in some kind of game like in "manhunt" or "Saw". Do what he says and you will survive, maggot. I don't like holograms or whatever these fossil guys are, but maybe I'll give it a shot.
The trailer was kind of cool, but doesn't make me want to play it. I still loathe the pay-scheme of DLC and Bethsoft will not be getting any $$ out my pocket.

And XBox over PC? Really? Sigh... this is why I like Valve better. Plus they never charge us for updates on PC, though are forced to by Macrosoft on XBox.

Yeah, the lasers from the head thing is pretty lame.
A steady stream of DLC revenue makes a world of difference in both support of the game and the game content.

You have X programmers working for Y hours.
You get that much development in a game and that is it.

Lots gets cut because it they it is a lower priority and won't fit, it doesn't seem to be working, or they just don't have time.

DLC means there is a real team still working on the game. Plus DLC gives them a second bite at the apple so they can make changes after seeing what the players really liked and didn't like.

The Volume 1 is interesting.

I like DLC that both expand on the game world and those that provide some thing a little different.

On the former, it would be nice to see a few changes to the world. Maybe update of the NPC dialog a little. Maybe some secondary missions( nothing major) just to show that the world goes on. I get tired of hearing an NPC parrot the same dialog over and over again. Like in Fallout, I thought it would have been great if the Sheriff of Megaton (Lucas or who ever became sheriff after him) had asked the Wander to join a posse. Then the town's folk could have talked about the posse.

On the latter, not all of them will be my cup of tea, but nothing wrong with providing some variety.

Between DLC and mods you can really keep a game a live.

100LBSofDogmeat said:
The trailer was kind of cool, but doesn't make me want to play it. I still loathe the pay-scheme of DLC and Bethsoft will not be getting any $$ out my pocket.

And XBox over PC? Really? Sigh... this is why I like Valve better. Plus they never charge us for updates on PC, though are forced to by Macrosoft on XBox.

Yeah, the lasers from the head thing is pretty lame.