Dell makes hell of a good hardware


Night Watchman
Staff member
I use a Dell Vostro 1500 notebook as my PC. I run Windows XP Professional for OS. Being the wonderful system that it is, it sometimes does BSOD on various occasions, perhaps ones like when I put the system in hibernation (happened a few times before).

So, yesterday I push the power button to hibernate the PC and unwittingly stick it into the laptop bag before making sure it's powered down. It isn't.

Some six hours later, I pull the HOT AS HELL machine outta the bag and scream in horror. The air in the bag is warm and stiff. The notebook must have gotten so hot that the power cut off automatically.

I inspect the battery power indicator, which says the battery still has more than 80% juice, which means it didn't melt. I let the machine cool down a bit, and try to power it up from battery (so it doesn't cool off too rapidly in the cold ambient environment, which I figure is just as harmful as overheating).

The laptop power up and gives me a warning beep. A message appears "Your computer was powered down because apparently its temperature was to high. This can be caused by ventilation problems, air obstruction etcaetera etcaetera. Press F1 to continue, F2 to run Diagnostics utility".

Then it proceeds to power up and run normally. Ah, the miracles of modern technology. Silicone God bless auto-cutoff at TCoreMax.

Which actually brings me to the question, any of you has had a laptop overheat and what problems, if any, did you notice afterwards?
I encountered a person who had a similar situation.

He started getting general protection faults, blue screens, weird video artifacts.
Well, that's not very reassuring :P

I feared for the GPU the most, as it is the biggest heat producer in this system. Seems to work fine, thought, and the Intel DualCore processor has a reputation for being unkillable. I'll see if battery life doesn't worsen, but after two years, this machine deserves a new battery anyway.

I guess we're in permanent test mode now.
1) never EVER use hibernation. NO, don't whine, i said NEVER. just shut it down, you stupid impatient monkey. not only is hibernation known to cause a shitload of problems with Dells, on top of that Mickeysoft's implementation of hibernation is prone to issues of its own. sometimes, the OS just won't boot again. so don't use it.
2) your laptop probably rebooted while in the bag, which explains the shutdown due to heat crap. it happens. another reason not to use hibernation, i'd say.
3) GPUs (and i'm not talking about intel integrated shite) are actually the most heat resistant PU in your laptop. easily tolerates temperatures far exceeding what would melt a CPU or northbridge or whatever.
4) Dell is crap. no other way to say it. as a sysadmin, i came into a company that used Dell laptops only. i think pretty much all of the old Latitude D620 and D630's we had have had either: motherboard replaced, screen replaced, screen connector replaced, graphic card memory issues, fried memory, or a combination of the above. luckily, we've got coverage for that, but hell... most of the issues occured within the first service year.
SuAside said:
1) never EVER use hibernation. NO, don't whine, i said NEVER. just shut it down, you stupid impatient monkey.

Heh. it's not really about patience for booting time, as my system starts really quick now that I had reinstalled it without the useless crap; It's rather for the pure convenience of having the documents, browser windows etc. open.

4) Dell is crap. no other way to say it. as a sysadmin, i came into a company that used Dell laptops only. i think pretty much all of the old Latitude D620 and D630's

I heard that Latitudes and those funny Dell shuttles typically have problems, not least with overheating, I don't complain about Vostros, thoughc ;)
I had issues with hibernation on pretty much every laptop I ever used. My current work laptop (Dell XPS, incidentally) would hibernate without issues for the first year or so that I've had it, but then it spontaneously started rebooting and throwing nonsensical error messages every time I tried to put it into hibernation. So now I just put it into standby when I don't want to be inconvenienced with booting and restarting all my applications, and shut it down only on weekends or if I have to carry it somewhere.

SuAside said:
you stupid impatient monkey

Petition to make that Silencer's new title.
I use a Dell Vostro 1500 notebook as my PC. I run Windows XP Professional for OS. Being the wonderful system that it is, it sometimes does BSOD on various occasions, perhaps ones like when I put the system in hibernation (happened a few times before).

So, yesterday I push the power button to hibernate the PC and unwittingly stick it into the laptop bag before making sure it's powered down. It isn't.

Some six hours later, I pull the HOT AS HELL machine outta the bag and scream in horror. The air in the bag is warm and stiff. The notebook must have gotten so hot that the power cut off automatically.

I inspect the battery power indicator, which says the battery still has more than 80% juice, which means it didn't melt. I let the machine cool down a bit, and try to power it up from battery (so it doesn't cool off too rapidly in the cold ambient environment, which I figure is just as harmful as overheating).

The laptop power up and gives me a warning beep. A message appears "Your computer was powered down because apparently its temperature was to high. This can be caused by ventilation problems, air obstruction etcaetera etcaetera. Press F1 to continue, F2 to run Diagnostics utility".

Then it proceeds to power up and run normally. Ah, the miracles of modern technology. Silicone God bless auto-cutoff at TCoreMax.

Which actually brings me to the question, any of you has had a laptop overheat and what problems, if any, did you notice afterwards?

Personally i use a Dell Latitude E6410, it runs windows 10 nowdays with an old version of graphics card driver. it runs a bit toasty but more than keeping it as it is i can't change so yeah, i'm keeping it as it is for music whenever i go to my old house where now it's staying. there are humidity risks so i got the battery with me back to safety but still, running Windows 10 on that and Windows XP is damn chillin
Then you should like it since you are such a garbage person Dragula! ;)

Oh wow you really got me here!!!!! I am an alienware computer.

