Deploying NMA vets!

That lump of metal, the T26's frontal armor can be penetrated with your regular rpg. You need expensive degradable chobham, toxic uranium, or ingenious perforated armor like the Leopard 2's for today's battlefield, and there is even rumor that the insurgents got their hands on some new russian rpg's that can penetrate even those.
Crni Vuk said:
just a typo I am sure, you mean the GERMAN Leopard 2 the Canadians bought :wink:

No typo, the CANADIAN Leopard 2 tanks. (unless you meant the german made tanks, but no-ones refers to tanks by their country of origin).

Just google Leopard 2 A4M
Faceless Stranger said:
It's a shame Germany can't really make use of their tanks... but I guess starting two World Wars'll do that :?

Nah... we germans are sneaky, if we can't use our weapons to kill some people, we simply sell them to others to do so *cough cough*.

On a more serious note, wasn't the French Foreign Army now more into only taking people who allready got some military background? At least that was the last thing i heard.
Yeah, It's damn hard to join the legion. They rejected me on physical grounds and I'm pretty fit. You don't have to have an amazing grasp of French however.
Little Robot said:
U-S-A! U-S-A!

Has that ever been used in battle?
Nope the T28 can be considered a prototype of some sort. There have been ideas to use it eventually if the second world war would have not ended with 1945. Maybe as well in Japan. But like the T 29 and T 30s they have been more some kind of test and experience for engineering regarding heavy tanks what kind of suspencion or engine is good and such things. Today of course such a tank would have no place anymore. Particularly as self propeled tank hunters arent really seen as modern anymore as they do not really have any advantage over tanks with a turret. Their peak was really reached in World War 2. Today the traditional Role of the Tank-Hunter is filed by rocket guided weapons. The concept of the Main-Battle-Tank made many designs as how they have been deployed in and around WW2 obsolte like the classification between medium and heavy armor since the modern tank is a combination of both concepts, with the speed and mobility of medium armor but the protection and weapons of heavy tanks.

Faceless Stranger said:
IIRC, the Leopard 2 is the one of the best main battle tanks in use today, can't go wrong with German engineering.

While I am very impresed by the Leopard 2 I dont know if it is the best battle tank. I mean it sure can be seen on the level of the most modern armor of course. But I guess its really hard to make a clear statement when we dont even know exactly how the armor works on the modern tanks (many states for obvious reason make a secret out of the protection).

In general at the moment I think the Leopard 2 has the most powerfull gun since it received here some update not long ago. So much for sure. But I think the performance increased compared to the old gun about 20%. But I might be wrong here.
I prefer the Challenger 2, but thats probably based on my biased and prejudice views, although Leopard 2's are excellent nonetheless.

On the other hand, i'm not old enough to join the military yet, but after I have finished in college and univerity I am going to apply for a Royal Marine Commandos Officer course, if I pass (i've got good mental and physical health), if/when I specialise I go for the mountain reconaissance course.
CRNI Vuk said:
In general at the moment I think the Leopard 2 has the most powerfull gun since it received here some update not long ago. So much for sure. But I think the performance increased compared to the old gun about 20%. But I might be wrong here.

Actually the Leopard 2 A4 or A5 has the same gun as the M1 Abrams (120mm smoothbore). They indeed installed the L55 120mm smoothbore on the Leopard 2 A6, that new gun is over a meter longer than the L44, whether or not it's an upgrade depends on where you are (forest, urban, desert, etc) in a forest area, a meter more of ordnance is an inconvenience, in a big empty desert... not so much.
did you knew that there was once some idea to mount a 140mm NPzK-140 (prototype) smothbore gun inside the Leopard 2 with a new turret and (probably) some auto-loader as upgrade for the tank, some sources even say it would have doubled the penetration compared to the usual 120mm gun. Though the end of the cold war has also put some end to that project
Meh, they alſo had ideas for a tank with two cannons :D
The competition for the ſucceſſor of the Leopard 1 had ſome quite intereſting competitiors.
Ugly John said:
Bad_Karma said:
Well Cold War brought a lot of concepts...
For example the german VT-1 /VT-2 (Versuchsträger-1 / -2) (too big to directly put it in) ;)

That's the one in the museum in Koblenz, Germany.

Yes it is, but than again i saw one of these in the Panzermuseum in Munster ( and yes it's Munster not Münster ).
But that was like 12 years ago, so it might have been loaned (i guess there is another english word for that, which i simply don't know) to them at that time..
Germany does have the Panzersch...(can't spell the rest of it but it means "tank school") near Munster (not Münster), maybe the school has a second one.
This subject is getting quiet a bit off-topic considering it's meant to be about people with military experience, but what can I say people have always like tanks, they're just so....I think it's just the little boy inside me (no pun intended) that like big eshplusions and gunz.
When I grow up, I get to go to compulsory military service.

Not bad actually... free food and explosions for 8/11 months :P
Going into the U.S. Army Reseve Signal Corps as an IT spec.

Currently waiting on the NGB to all go my tier 2 GED and get my deployment date.