Describe Fallout (series) in one sentence


Все умрут, а я волномут
Let's play a creative mini game. Post a quote or write one yourself that will fit any part of Fallout or Fallout as a franchise and it's history best. Person below you tries to guess the meaning and how it related to Fallout and post another. Let's start.

"Sit divus, dum non sit vivus"
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I'm not a fan of minimizing art in such a way, I find it detracting for its purpose. This feels like some kind of Mario Party game where everyone loses.

So lets give it a try :)

Jetsons meets Mad Max= future tech and seriously flawed futuristic outlooks with everything literally going to poo, and people cutting each other heads off.

Renraku Arcology courted Judge Dredd whom later opted to have a fling with Mad TV.
Always thought it more Leave It to Beaver meets Mad Max.

Take the retro-future the 50's thought we would have and blow that future up in a nuclear holocaust.

-It appears I've been had.
While its not %100 Jestons perse I would use that short hand to describe the setting to others who have no idea what Falllout is bedsides seeing the name. Ive used this shorthand at parties or with my relatives when describing the setting to them and it clicks with people. This more so applies to the later beth ones who cranked up the 50's ascetics to 11. The originals are more 70's/80's A boy and his Dog/Damnation Alley/Mad Max vibe with a hint of some retro futurism.
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You're right. Got introduced to the franchise through three like a basic bitch so maybe that's why the 50's thing is stuck in my head.
I think bringing it down to a single sentence does a disservice to the games, in due part to how wildly they vary in quality.

For example, if I were to describe New Vegas, it most certainly wouldn't apply to 3 or 4, who were created without the slightest idea of what actually makes a Fallout game unique from most other games.
You're no fun, McComb. Seriously though, if you can't describe in elegant way, you can always at least try. Anyway, fixed description a bit to fit it better.

I'll take it as a quote then. :V

You're mentioning New Vegas and setting it apart from 3 & 4 indirectly points to the fact that these two direct sequels has nothing to do with Fallout but New Vegas manages to capture everything Fallout both was and should be strong in.

"The three stooges"
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Post nuclear franchise of massive potential ruined by alien parasites.

Please do not insult extraterrestrial intelligent life by comparing it to Bethesda.
