Detroit 2301

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Derek’s face grew pale. Biting his lip he realised reasoning would do no good to him. This was Skytzoe after all. The gun still pointed at his head. Letting out what Derek hoped would not be his final breath, he let go of the rock he was holding onto. Just as he felt the air rush around him Derek stuck his finger up at the now quickly vanishing figure.
Skytzoe watched as Derek plummeted... 10 feet onto a small outcropping below him. Skytzoe quickly holstered his gun then began climbing up the cliff. A few feet from the top he stopped, remembering the reason he was in this gorge.
Derek let out a groan as he landed on his back. It wasn’t the fall that had hurt him; it was the gun hanging from his back. After what seemed to be a couple of minutes Derek rolled over and finally opened his eyes.

“Oh, come on,” Derek said quietly. All that remained was a few twisted pieces of metal and a slowly dissolving hole in the outcropping. Derek rubbed his hand over his back and discovered that a hole had been burnt through his jacket and the skin was tender. The microfusion cells had had been destroyed on impact and burnt through his clothes. Derek tried to pick himself up but couldn’t manage to stand up. Instead he dragged himself to the cliff wall and rested his back onto the rocks.

Derek checked his pockets for some stimpacks or med-x or something that might heal the plasma burn. He had most of his supplies in his backpack which he had left in the Vertibird and that was at least a couple of miles away by now. Leaning his head against the wall he thought of what to do next, and then he saw Skytzoe. Just hanging off the rocks a few feet from the edge. Why the hell was he even in gorge Derek thought dimly.
((Sorry I keep getting work issues I'm trying my best to keep this alive))

[Mountains Near Vault 222]

Heavy feet hitting metal could be heard in the distance over the heavy gusts of hot wind with power to easily throw one to their death, the vague sounds barely implie that someone was climbing a metal ladder. The heavily accented voice seemed to call out, but the wind drowned out the sound, making him unintelligible. This incredibly insane man seemed to want blood and though it seemed he had a target, it didn't seem if he cared who else went down with his target, purely ruthless the foot suddenly hits the ground, which could barely give any footing, a few rocks slide down near both Skytzoe and Derek from a good distance away, a strong aroma soon growing close, marijuana, possibly being carried by the wind giving the illusion that this man drew closer than he actually was.

[Maxim's Saloon]

Afew people squatted near the body one actually came near, a large strong looking man wearing raider-esque armor with a childlike look in his eyes, picking the man up by the back of his rags, dragging him to the bar

"You don't look like you been here long... Nope... Definately not" The man said in a rather dull idiotic voice he couldn't be too bright, he was talking to a man "Maxy, do you haves some water for the new boy?"
"You got 40 caps?" The bartender said.
"Hammer, quit buggin' the outsider" a lean, skinny yet muscular man, with his black hair held into a pony-tail, who could whip a fly off a brahmins hide with a riding crop, without even touching the bovine, the man however forked the caps over for the giant "He probably don't want to talk with no Idjit when he recovers..."
"I didn't mean no harm Joe! Honest!"
"Just be quiet pal, maybe he'll talk later... Why don't you go feed the Cabbits?" Joe said patting Hammer on the back, referring to a mutated rabbit with 3 eyes and dual tails.
"Really?! I like duh cabbits... They're so soft an' cuddly..."
"Careful with the cuddling... Remember what happened last time?"

(Think Lenny and George from 'Of Mice and men' Lenny with biker gear, George with a country farmer outfit)
Sid wakes up and sees many of the same faces that were staring at him when he first entered. "where am i", "who are you" or "thank you for saving me" were probably expected to be the first words out of his mouth, but no, Sid had other things on his mind, revenge being the main one.

He quickly explained what had happened to him, his family and town in the raid yesterday hoping for sympathy, although not really expecting it. His next question was "where can i get money for weapons, and quickly? I need to teach those raiders a lesson".

Clearly still angry and not thinking straight, all he wanted to do was avenge what happened to him, his entire life was destroyed so it was understandable, but simply not going to happen, no one messes with a group of raiders on purpose.

After hanging around the bar making every sip of his water count he calmed down a bit and thanked Joe for saving his like, saying that if there was a way to repay him, he would try his hardest. Maybe Joe was on some sought of mission that Sid could accompany him on or ran some sought of business that he could help with...
"Money eh? There's plenty of things to do in Deuce, We always need Miners, Factory workers, Mechanics and such, Me and Hammer been workin' on a farm on the outskirts, there ain't much demand for that here, other than skinning the brahmin, but we get by" Joe said drawing a small cigarette pack looking fairly new labled Lucky Deuce and drawing what appeared to be a pre war quality cigarette. Striking a match on the counter he lit it offering another cigarette to Sid "If we don't have what you're lookin' for check the interstate, about a day south, it's a trading hub, I reckon you can find you just about anything off them merchants, mostly pre-war gear though."
"Y-yuh 187 probably pays well too but they ain't nice fellas, I gave dem a punch" Hammer sputtered.
"Yeah, Hammer knocked one of them raiders heads clean off, he had a pre-war chainsaw, sold it to some historian nut and we were fed for the winter... Didn't have to kill any of our livestock to eat... Speakin' of which, can you handle a rifle? We got afew spares, and those assholes hit us on the outskirts especially hard...."

Edit: I noticed I can't exactly say 'dey'.
Skytzoe detected the smell and hear the noise of someone coming. He looked under him. He removed an arm from the cliff and slid his backpack off his shoulder. He opened a pocket, then put a stimpack between his teeth. He pulled Derek's gun from his waistband. He dropped the gun and stimpack down to Derek as he slipped the backpack back onto his shoulder, drew his handgun, and pointed it at the edge of the cliff.
His gun bounced slightly on the ground by his feet and the stimpak landed on his leg. Looking up he saw the figure of Skytzoe pointing at to the top of the cliff. “What the hell is he doing? Is he trying to let me kill him?” Derek thought to himself. He let out a small sigh and pulled the cap off the stimpak and put the needle into one of his veins. A sudden feel of adrenaline rushed over him as the liquid did it’s magic. He chucked his needle over the outcropping and picked up his gun.
He turned around and looked at Skytzoe hanging from the rock. Unprotected. He raised the gun and pointed it at the chest. The held the position and lowered the gun. He shook his head and looked at the strange man. He put his gun in the holster and climb up the rocks thinking to himself, “You had better have a good reason behind this.”

((OOC: It's good to see this RP up and running again.))
Sid takes the cigarette. He doesn't really smoke but he figures it could calm him down a little more, and it seemed rude to refuse. "Well, i've not done much work like that, i just helped run a junk shop that my p..." Sid stopped, looked at the floor and took his first ever drag from a cigarette and coughed "jesus, why do people do that?".

After thinking a bit Sid said "alright, anything i can help with on the farm i'll do. What else is there to do around here?"
[Maxim's Saloon, Deucetown]

"Well, there's always need for miners, but y'know these caves have just about everything crawling out of the cracks of those rocks. Scorps, Deathclaws, Raiders... So Y'know... Y'need to be able to handle whatever those caves throw at you" Joe said taking a drag from his cigarette "If you can keep an eye out for pre war metals there are plenty of buyers 'round here... But that's all I really know, If you're looking for other work, ask around..."

[Mountains near Vault 222]

Skytzoe could hear and see rocks falling dangerously close to him but proceeding to roll down large steps echoing in the dust, Derek would see an occasional rock pass by as well, And then the sound of gas burning at high speeds as flames rush by them, almost hitting the both of them. A warning Burst from a flamethrower, as the smell of Marijuana had become blatantly obvious, A man in some interesting hand made Combat armor and a gas mask stood above the two speaking "Yi'play nice y'two I an' I be takin' ya tahget now, I sellin'im back t'yi soon" the man said in the same Jamaican accent, holding a flamethrower, an RPG-7 hanging over his shoulder, several other guns in holsters all along the combat armor.
Skytzoe looked up at the man, the barrel of his Glock aiming towards the Jamaican. He noticed the canister loaded in the RPG. Thermobaric.
He took a deep breath, then his gun discharged.
8 rounds, two directed toward the head, two to the abdomen, and four toward the explosive device on the end of the RPG. He didn't take his time to see if the rounds hit, he just dropped down the cliff toward Derek.
The Jamaican fell over onto the ground and went out of view of Derek. Skytzoe quickly plummeted to the outcropping Derek had been on only seconds before. Derek looked back up to the cliff to where the man had been only seconds before. Shallow laughter erupted from above as a face crawled over the cliff. The face was unnaturally clean and there were no scars or other deformities. It was just a face. Derek looked back down to Skytzoe who was on the outcropping below, searching for something. Derek looked at the Jamaican who was slowly standing up.
Without thinking he dropped down to Skytzoe and pressed his back against the wall. The man had gone out of view but Derek knew he’d be back soon. He looked at Skytzoe again and nearly yelled at him, “What the bloody hell just happened? Who the **** is that guy?”
The Jamaican limped back a bit hit by several bullets, out of view another burst of flames fluttered above their heads, then the sound of the slide on a pistol being pulled back, the quick shots had not gotten the intended result, but they did hit the armor clad Wastelander. Moments later they would hear the sound of something digging into flesh and groaning, then the sound of small pieces of lead hitting the ground, one of the slugs rolling down covered in blood, his breathing could be heard deeply through the filter on the mask If they were to look up they'd see the jamaican digging a Fairbarn Sykes Combat knife into his wounds and prying the bullets out painfully, at the same time he was pointing a pre-war Beretta .45 at them. After he finished mending he drew a syringe containing a black substance, and stuck it into the back of his neck falling down onto one knee his breathing stabilizing all this time he maintained attention to where his gun was pointed. The man lifted himself to his feet, as if good as new, tossing the syringe off the cliff, he was ready for combat again. This Jamaican was crazy to be standing in the condition he was in, he lifted his gas mask off to reveal two blood shot eyes and some messy hair, dropping the mask to the ground.

"List'n'up" He said in a very grim voice now "Tin men wan'd'boy... They gon'pay me my due... If y'wan'im bad'nuff, y'gimme wan'dem whirly birds, an' I'll stop watchin'is back... Y'fuck wit'im I be there t'set' yi'aflame less I got me wan d'em whirly birds, Aye? Or Yi'take me an' him down... I can be quite an Obst'cle mon..."
Another volley of rounds, this time nine, not aimed at the man, but his weapons, specifically the warhead of the RPG and the fuel line of his flamethrower. As the ninth round was discharged he dropped the gun, crouched down, then picked up a rock, flaming from flamer fuel and threw it toward the man, in a hope to ignite anything he had.
The flaming rock flew up to the man above them and bounced lightly on the ground by his right foot. The man began to laugh but he was quickly stopped by the flames that licked off the spilt flamer fuel. The flames spouted everywhere, leaping over the man’s body. Derek took advantage of this moment and fired a volley of bullets at the man. He ignored where his bullets went and instead turned and faced Skytzoe who stood near the edge of the outcropping. “Well Skytzoe, looks like the tables have turned. Now you have a choice, my gun or you can jump.”
BurntAluminum said:
[Maxim's Saloon, Deucetown]

"Well, there's always need for miners, but y'know these caves have just about everything crawling out of the cracks of those rocks. Scorps, Deathclaws, Raiders... So Y'know... Y'need to be able to handle whatever those caves throw at you" Joe said taking a drag from his cigarette "If you can keep an eye out for pre war metals there are plenty of buyers 'round here... But that's all I really know, If you're looking for other work, ask around..."

"I can handle a rifle yeah" he said chuckling to himself. "I like the sounds of the caves, finders keepers on the pre-war metals, right? All i need is a rifle and axe."
[Mountains near Vault 222]

The man quickly dropped his gear and kicked it away the rocket launcher remaining, revealing an amazingly light yet muscular build, without all the flamer gear, realizing how many hits he aimed at his gear, he lifted the launcher over his shoulder, fingers on the pin as he pointed it downward.

"Yi'move 'long, an' mayb'y'outrun d'RPG, or I me'b get scared an' blow d'three of us up... Bounty Boy, Say what y'wan to'im, let'im go or shoot'im... If D'tinman wan' yi s'much, there be good caps in makin'at job harder... I b'walkin' away when d'ey hand the birdy over... 'till den' I be runnin'em into d'ground..."

[Maxims Saloon, Deucetown]

"Nah by pre-war metals I mean scrap, but the ore in the mine is still finders keepers since most workers have plenty of reason not to go too deep into the caves... Hell if I were you I'd leg it once you hear any sign of life, like I said... Deathclaws... A few friends of mine were stupid enough to go after the main ore deposits, one came back and bled to death in the infirmary, He said the rest still lived, but were cornered in a narrow space... Hell even Hammer knew what that meant: they would die if they stayed, and if they tried to escape." Joe said putting his cigarette out on the counter "If you want to mine you'll have to buy your own tools for the job, the only rifle we have that might save your ass from becoming a deathclaws lunch wasn't easy to come by... You can take whatever risks you like but people don't always come out of that cave, we don't want to lose our a weapon second only to Hammer... You'll have to work with more than one person to be able to get an AK, and hell that's if Deuce has one. Your best bet when you do get the money is to check Highway 696 for a trader carrying an AK... Deuce has good guns too, but every deuce gun is built a little differently, unless you pay top dollar for them to use parts from pre-war guns, but hell, I'll admit their AR15's almost feel like the real thing..."
He kept his gaze on the man with the rocket launcher, just a few feet above him. He slowly began to lower his upper body down, bending his knees.
He jumped up, placing his foot against the face, pushing off again. He grabbed the edge of the cliff, pulling himself up as quickly as he could. He lunged at the man, out of shot from the rocket launcher, then grabbed the mans neck and began to squeeze, looking into his eyes.
"Well, right now i have nothing to lose. How about you lend me a pick axe, nothing else, for a day and you can take your pick from anything i find. If i don't come out then that's too bad, all you lost is an axe, but there's got to be something down there to make it worth your time!?" Sid had a look of desperation in his eye. He didn't want to die, but to survive he was going to take some sought of risk, and he's not even sure what a deathclaw is, sounds like some myth to him.
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