Deus Ex Morr: Gone with the Blastwave


Night Watchman
Staff member
Kimmo Lemetti keeps untrue to his word - and for the better! Although he warned there might be next to no updates, click this link to the center of the world for another issue of Gone With The Blastwave with our heroes and deadpan as ever. Check it out!

Still hasn't answered our e-mail, though. Maybe he's been kidnapped and replaced by a clone? ;)

I just remembered we haven't reported on Post Nuke Comic for a while, it's another webcomic with some eight chapters, Andreas Duller just posted a new page a few days ago.

Link: Gone With The Blastwave, Post Nuke Comic

Thanks to MorfiB for the heads-up.
Silencer said:
Still hasn't answered our e-mail, though. Maybe he's been kidnapped and replaced by a clone? ;)
Morr said:
what mail? >_>
Anyway, about Post-Nuke- it's kind of jumped the shark recently. Aliens. Wow. Couldn't just keep both feet planted on Earth, could he? And he never did take the advice I gave him a while back to STOP POSTING UPDATE SCHEDULES. It just makes him look like an idiot due to the fact that he NEVER MEETS THEM.

Silencer said:
The Greens?
Naw. If there are any remaining, they're probably too busy hiding in their boxes. My bet's on the Blues too, though Morr's probably got something unexpected under his helmet.
Has anyone seen Morr's Tactics Deathclaw?


Bit furry :roll:
Aliens or no aliens, Post Nuke is still a great read. It's becoming more and more annoying that he never updates on time though. Maybe I should remove it from my bookmarks so that I only think about it like twice a year.

Personally, I think it'll be aliens that are shooting the yellows in GwtBW. Blue-Red-Yellow-Green-Polka-Dot Aliens. :look:
Hotel California said:
Has anyone seen Morr's Tactics Deathclaw?


Bit furry :roll:

Glad you brought that up.

I remember posting earlier that I decided to see his art gallery after seeing his comic and sent him an email asking if he would mind NMA hosting that picture in the fan-art section...he never responded.

:? ,
The Vault Dweller
i got too hyped up on Gone with the Blastwave, now i don't find them funny anymore...

PostNukeComic's story line is moving too slow; nothing happens in a page.
Silencer said:
The Greens?
They lost the war already, or according to the only picture that has one in it.

My guess: the blues. The other thing, Morr says one of those two main characters is a female. I don't know if he ever said which one, or if he was joking though, he has however said it more than once.
Hmm... Although I have to admit that the artwork has only gotten better, I liked his older one-page gags much better than these last three pages in which he tries to get some sort of continuity with "cliffhangers" and stuff. The guy should stick to the one-page gags, some of those were brilliant (like n°2 'Bored' and n°12 'Laugh at dead people'). Trust me.
PhredBean said:
The other thing, Morr says one of those two main characters is a female. I don't know if he ever said which one, or if he was joking though, he has however said it more than once.
In other words, there is going to be sex at some point in the storyline?

In other words, there is going to be sex at some point in the storyline?

That would be a good way to kill them off. They would die of radition poisoning due to taking of their suits to do the deed.
i agree with the one pagers. I was dying with anticipation when they were captured. And i was hoping the flamer guy would finally roast some people. But the last 2 pages weren't so funny and didn't satisfy the anticipation.
An article about GWTBW has been created at wikipedia, but it's just stub that should still be overworked.

By the way, fine work Morr.
I prefere one page-ers too. I hope it's just one time exception this time. Hell, if he's out of ideas for one pagers then let him wait till he have any. As the page says, it never updates :)
Wow, just discovered both of these comics today. good stuff. I'll have to let my friends in on this- they're comic nerds.