Did anyone beat Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance?

curious if the new MGS game will finally be as well on PC as I have read that they plan to make an PC version as well like they said about the last MGS game which was well, not released on PC.
I wouldn't care, I bought a PS3 just to play Red Dead Redemption, MGS3, MGS4 and Peace Walker and Ground Zeroes will be released for PS3 as well. :D
Wintermind said:
Crni, Revegeance is not MGS. It's MGR. They're taking the established universe and characters and making a spectacle fighter out of it (which I think is dumb, personally).

Why so? That kind of over-the-top action was already present in the games' cutscenes. I'd also argue that the Metal Gear universe is a lot less serious than fans think it is, though maybe I'm giving Kojima too much credit by thinking of him as a master troll.

Either way, tried the demo and I thought it was mechanically great but the camera was kinda bleh and visually it feels rough. Minor blemishes though and I'm definitely going to get it soon.
It is a lot less serious than fans think it is, it's basically a superhero series. But the nuclear nonproliferation message is totally sincere, but I assume a lot of fans might not notice that as well.

I'd also agree that Kojima is a huge troll, Raiden being the main character in MGS2 was perfect.
as far as I remember Kojima approached the MGS series always like movies, which is by his own words, a huge inspiration for his games or well the stories he made for MGS. Action and Spy games from the 1980s for example, which is one of the reasons why many of the cutscenes are so long feeling rather then movies.

Also even if the series for it self is not always serious, it definitely contains serious topics.
Sure, I never would argue that the games don't contain serious themes or situation, but the convoluted, over-the-top scenarios don't strike me as something that is meant to be taken seriously. I mean, the ex-president of the United States turning into Doctor Octopus the Samurai and fighting you to the death? A boss character who can die of old age if you alter the console's internal clock? A psychic who mocks your game preferences by reading your memory card saves? That ain't serious stuff.
sure, thats breaking the 4th wall, which happens a few times in video games, albeit not very often and I think it was pretty entertaining in MGS. But that is just story, the gameplay was at least with MG1 and 2 "relatively" serious. As said, the core of the gameplay was usually stealth.
And so? Stealth might have been the core, but Metal Gear has always been an over-the-top, lulzy universe, with people sneaking in with cardboard boxes and other such silly details, and they decided to expand something that was already in canon by giving you the chance to play it.

I mean, again, over-the-top ninja cyborg was there in Metal Gear Solid 4 already, and you could already play as Grey Fox in the VR mission of Metal Gear Solid.

Edit: Ehr, that probably sounded too antagonistic. My point is that, yes, it's a change of genre, but given that it's never been billed as anything else, that the paper-thin lore (NANOMACHINES!) of the games already allows for that stuff, and that we're going to get one and possibly more core Metal Gear Solid titles in the future (Ground Zeroes has already been announced) I don't see the problem with the title's existence. There's obviously still plenty of space to criticize it for its own shortcomings.
Crni Vuk said:
sure, thats breaking the 4th wall, which happens a few times in video games, albeit not very often and I think it was pretty entertaining in MGS. But that is just story, the gameplay was at least with MG1 and 2 "relatively" serious. As said, the core of the gameplay was usually stealth.

Naked cartwheels and deflecting bullets with a sword was mgs2 gameplay. I think the term your looking for is understated, not serious. I think part of the appeal was taking on ridiculous enemies with a protaganist equipped with more conservative skills and gear.
This was my first Metal Gear game, wasn't expecting stealth but I can see the appeal of this game if you're into the sort of thing it is. Don't know how to word it in English.
protip guys Revengeance is not a metal gear solid game. metal gear solid games will remain tactical espionage action, metal gear rising (as in metal gear rising: revengeance) will continue to be awful/dumb/spectacle fighters.