Did you know?

I'm pretty sure none of those are true, and that was the point. Right?

I mean I'm not brushing my teeth with dogshit.

Or rub an onion on my dick.....
well maybe the onions if I'm lonely.
Heard about apple pies, but... onions?

Besides, the fact that Celine is a Rotten Bitch doesn't mean she played punk music :)
That's what I told her, unfortunately mothers tend to ignore words of wisdom spoken from their clever sons.
Aye, that's the same argument I employed when she finally discovered I started drinking at 11 and I first was in a burdello at 15.
Try to kill my thread will you?

Anyway, here is some nifty information on one of my favorite movies.

Troy Barlow (Mark Wahlberg) actually was shocked during the interrogation scene in the movie "Three Kings" He didn't want to settle for anything fake. Ouch!

The man who painted the graffiti for the movie "Three Kings" also painted anti-Saddam graffiti in Iraq during the Iraqi uprising.

The hairdresser twins were rebels who actually fought Saddam's soldiers during and after the first Gulf War.

The movie was shot in Arizona and had actual Iraqis as the extras. The Iraqis were refugees, of course.

The director (David O. Russell), as good as he may be, often got into fights with the cast and crew, and George Clooney got so steamed at Russell, that he grabbed him by the throat once and tried to set him straight. Russell said that the pressure of making the film gave him a hot head.

More tidbits to come later. :D
Ancient Oldie said:
If you sneeze and don't close your eyelids, your eyeballs will pop out.

I've tried sneezing with my eyes open - I still have eyes.

(It took me over a year to actually manage it)
Of the $15 it costs to buy a CD (not that anyone here does buy CDs) only 5-10% go to the artist.

Recent tests on bumblebees using strobe lights, a wind tunnel and high speed photography captured images of a previously missed vortexes generated by their wings during flight. This extra vortex (something to do with backdrafts and overdrafts...and checking accounts) accounts for the bumblebees ability to fly. Barely. Detailed in Scientific American, I think.

Assanine is spelled Asinine.
Another tidbit:

Adam Ogilvy, an Irish catholic peasant from the end of the 19th century, was so skilled in farting, that he could actually pronounce words with his arse. This made him somewhat of a local celebrity, and people would actually give him money to perform this amazing trick.
After a couple of years, though, his sphincter got so skilled in pronouncing words, that it grew tonsils and a set of teeth and vocal cords. It also started to make demands. It started asking for food and booze, and it refused to shit any longer. It also refused to wear anymore shorts and trousers. Simply put: it became an uncontrollable entity, a conscious and even superior organism.
Adam Ogilvy couldn't do much about it, really. He started shitting with his mouth and had to accept it. Also, his wife started to like his sphincter better than she liked him and at night, when Adam Ogilvy was sound asleep, she started making out with his sphincter and kissed his arse passionately.
And things got worse. Adam Ogilvy's head started rotting away. His eyes disappeared, his tongue and so on. His brains got directly connected to his sphincter and his arse grew eyes so it would know where to direct Adam's body.

If you don't believe me, check out this other thread on NMA which contains the only known picture of Adam Ogilvy's sphincter:


No one really knows what happened after that, but most probably Adam's wife eloped with his sphincter and moved to America, where they spend their last years together and even made a child. It's only a rumour, but it is said that Bush, the President of the United States of America, might actually be related to this unfortunate peasant.
El Prez wrote:
The last scene of the original Star Wars was taken from an actual Nazi Award Seremony.

what's a "Nazi Award Seremony?"
'Seremony' sounds suspiciously like German English to me, actually. Just where did you get that infromation from, anyway?

*looks at El Prez with a raised left eyebrow*
Sorry i can't spell, i meant 'Ceremony'. I actually had my information a little mixed up as i tried to remember from an old issue of Maxim. I dug the exact info up in Maxim's website:

One of the most disturbing homages ever is the Star Wars epilogue, in which our galactic heroes receive medals for blowin’ up the Death Star real good. The scene is a shot-for-shot re-creation of a famous award sequence in the Nazi propaganda epic Triumph of the Will.

However the Nazi Ceremony in 'Triump of the Will' was a real Ceremony so my first statement was pretty much true.

as for proof:







if you need more, even IMDB says:
The final medal scene parallels shot-for-shot a sequence in Triumph des Willens (1934).

pretty crazy eh?