It Wandered In From the Wastes

Ugh, I can just imagine, say, the opening dialogue with Caesar, the Think Tank, or Ulysses in Yes/No/Yes/Sarcastic format.
Obsidian, having access to the game source code, could fix the dialogue system quite easily. Just as they've fixed FO3 idiotic weapons range.
Nope. I just think you're a big mouth, complaining about something that you have the skill to fix, stay a big mouth for all I care. If you didn't want to be called out you shouldn't have randomly advertised your skill set when defending why you think NV needs a graphic overhaul.
"Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing perfectly." ~Robert H. Schuller
My ideology is simple - if there is something I like, I pay for it. If I don't like it - I don't pay. I didn't buy FO3, I won't ever buy FO4. If Obsidian does something I like - I'll pay. I vote with my wallet. Games are just... games. It's not my life.
That's contrary to all those newcomers who paid Beth for both FO3 and FO4, and now are working for free to fix all issues Bethesda haven't bothered themselves with - while still going around NMA *and* complaining about those games. Calling me "a hypocrite" for not willing to shovel Bethesda's shit. *And* attacking me for an idea to pay Obsidian once more for FNV with my money if I'm willing to.
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