Directors cut editions of Fallout 3 and New Vegas for the new Fallout 4 engine?


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Staff member
I saw this idea posted over at Bethesdas forums and I thought it was pretty good.

If Obsidian could return to Fallout New Vegas, convert it to the new Fallout 4 creation engine aswell as add features to Fallout New Vegas that originally had to be cut due to time restrictions during development.
We would get a better Naw Vegas and Obsidian might be able to bring back traits and skills to the new engine.

*New Vegas would be a better game with the new weapons customization feature and better combat of Fallout 4 among other thing.
*If Obsidian could bring back traits and skills to the new game engine that would benefit the mod scene.

Seems like a rather labourious waste of time. I rather have them develop a brand new Fallout on the engine than dedicating time to moving an alread yexisting game that isn't even that old to merit a remake to a new Engine.
I'm sure some enterprising crew of modders will make Vegas 4, similar to Skywind, when the time comes. I think I share Walpknut's opinion in that it'd be far better for Obsidian to give us the next chapter of the actually contiguous Fallout storyline than to remaster a not even very old game which still runs on most peoples' machines.
I think players seriously under-estimate how much time and effort it takes to do a full conversion.
It has been tried since Oblivion came out and so far none of those conversions has become complete.

It's like moving out of an old apartment on your own.
When you think you're almost done you're actually less then half-way done.
It ofcourse depends how backward-compatible the game is. But they way the CS is set up, I find it doubtful that it could be pulled off easily. Perhaps with access to the source files and custom made batch conversion programs it could be automated, but the changes in game engine would mean it would still take a long ass time. I guess all the quests and scripts would be more or less broken. And also, the graphics would look bad, New Vegas especially was a bit handicapped in the artwork department.

Other games are different, I mean they already got Vice Citys landmass working in GTA5. If some game should be recreated in FO4 by fans, I'd rather see a 3d version of Fallout 1 or 2. With a world map travel system and a large cast of voice actors it might be achievable.

I concur that a new Fallout spin-off would be a better idea, though I won't be holding my breath. I sort of wish that people didn't pester Beth at this point before even playing FO4, as it might just piss off the powers that be at Beth and ensure we never get outsourced Fallouts again.
I don't care about FO3 HD at all, and while I would most probably buy FNV HD (those character animations still hurt to look at, so I would pay a hefty sum just to fix that), I'm worried about 1) new engine limitation (no skills? really?) 2) mods. I'm not sure I would want to play FNV w/o mods.
I don't care about FO3 HD at all, and while I would most probably buy FNV HD (those character animations still hurt to look at, so I would pay a hefty sum just to fix that), I'm worried about 1) new engine limitation (no skills? really?) 2) mods. I'm not sure I would want to play FNV w/o mods.
I personally think the animations, graphics, head tracking, dialogue and everything is better in NV, no matter how broken it can seem. Beth's new engine is just a striped engine, less function. It has followed this trend since Morrowind. Buying an HD version is pointless, besides the fact that it will never happen. What your saying is that you would pay money for a NV with a fresh coat of Sellout 4 on it. That ain't cool man.
Buying an HD version is pointless, besides the fact that it will never happen. What your saying is that you would pay money for a NV with a fresh coat of Sellout 4 on it. That ain't cool man.

Look, I am a GC junkie. I can't help it - it's my orientation :) I've been doing CG in Lightwave (I pirated then) in 1990s, I had my share of OpenGL programming, some game programming, Blender, Maya animation... I love a good RPG as the next NMA regular, but I love frickin' visuals as well, they make me warm and fuzzy. I feel guilty (or not), but I can't help that. So yeah, I would probably pay just to see and try FNV with better visuals and more life-like animations that don't hurt my eyes like the ones I see in FNV. I could never make myself to play Oblivion thanks to those animations - I tolerate them in FNV because it's awesome as a game. I grew kinda old and pragmatic, I guess - it's hard for me to be fanatical over a game. It's either fun or not. Fallout 4 isn't fun at all (I watched Gopher's LP and was terrified, that was enough), but Obsidian-made FNV with new graphics, better FPS combat, fixed dialogues (no stupid wheel, silent protagonist)... I don't see a reason why would I play stubborn and offended.
I've been doing CG in Lightwave, I had my share of OpenGL programming, some game programming, Blender, Maya animation.
As a modder I have working knowledge of Maya and Blender. I also have a small amount of coding behind my belt. Saying the game lacks in models, textures and animations with the tools you have at your disposal is a bit of a joke to me. You are more qualified to fix these issues that you have then many others, and should know that the legalities of such an 'official' project are astronomical. You seem like a nice person, but I find it hypocritical that with your skill you won't even attempt to fix what plagues you. Invest your complaining time here into Maya and fix the problems you have.
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I would rather "invest" $40 than spend weeks of my life fixing problems Bethesda made with questionable results.

Would you stop trying to tell me what I should and should not do with my time and my money? Besides, yes - this pointless discussion takes time as well.
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You've just illustrated why I've spent 2x less time on NMA in 12 years than you have in 3 months.
Nope. I just think you're a big mouth, complaining about something that you have the skill to fix, stay a big mouth for all I care. If you didn't want to be called out you shouldn't have randomly advertised your skill set when defending why you think NV needs a graphic overhaul.

"Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing perfectly." ~Robert H. Schuller