Disc Shaped Object at the Bottom of the Baltic Sea

Surf Solar said:
Why so shocked? :P
I find it rather fascinating, not shocking/terrifiyng.

Because even in this advanced society we live in, there's still cool things to discover. It's cool how people are still discovering things even though we explored the whole world.
The whole world? We really don't know much of anything about the deep ocean. We've sent a man to the moon but never man down there. That's a pretty significant part of the world to know more or less nothing about.
I beg to differ kind Sir.

One man has been there - Ed Harris.

The Bloop is obviously Cthulhu awakening in R'lyeh.

As for the OP:

Sabirah said:
Surf Solar said:
Why so shocked? :P
I find it rather fascinating, not shocking/terrifiyng.

Because even in this advanced society we live in, there's still cool things to discover. It's cool how people are still discovering things even though we explored the whole world.
Not exactly. We know next to nothing about the Deep Sea.
A few probes went down, but there could be unimaginable shit dwelling down there.
I mean, we know that there are freakishly huge octopi down there.
And freakishly huge versions of other stuff as well.
And if they're not huge, they are completely alien to us, anyway.
There's actually quite a few mysterious sounds coming from the ocean. One of the more popular theories is a shitload of ice in arctic/antartic sliding off and into the ocean. Or some giant fucking mega creature that nobody can comprehend because they're just so much louder than anything else.

Do some googling on The Bloop, and you can find out about the other sounds.
There was also reports of a gian tadpole. The shadow was only seen anyways, search it on google. Maybe the aliens people have claimed to see come from the depths of the sea itself? I wouldn't be calling big things like that alien, they were probably here before us, like in prehistoric times.
Hassknecht said:
Sabirah said:
Surf Solar said:
Why so shocked? :P
I find it rather fascinating, not shocking/terrifiyng.

Because even in this advanced society we live in, there's still cool things to discover. It's cool how people are still discovering things even though we explored the whole world.
Not exactly. We know next to nothing about the Deep Sea.
A few probes went down, but there could be unimaginable shit dwelling down there.
I mean, we know that there are freakishly huge octopi down there.
And freakishly huge versions of other stuff as well.
And if they're not huge, they are completely alien to us, anyway.
Looks like one of my ex-girlfriends.
Faceless Stranger said:
Any thoughts?
It's just a huge drowned Pac Man, guys.
There is also a picture of space Pac Man, captured by a Cassini satellite orbiting the Saturn:

(This is a thermal photo of Mimas, one of the Saturn's moons.)
I believe in disks at the bottom of the sea.

Its kinda weird how most peoples gut reaction to the unexplained is to make jokes about it and then dismiss it entirely. Like that is a pre programmed human reaction.

I told my family just now who is sitting in the other room, probably discussing politics, and their reaction was,

"A CD? A DVD?" yuk yuk yuk waka waka waka
Large parts of the North Sea were above sea level in prehistoric times (Great Britain was not an island). Probably the same is true for the Baltic and we are seeing old Atlantis, which was populated by Swedes.
Surf Solar said:
Why so shocked? :P
I find it rather fascinating, not shocking/terrifiyng.

I think that it's understandable to think the idea of a creature dozens of times larger than a Blue Whale swimming around out there somewhere is scary.

Also scary that the sound came from the approximate location of Cthulhu.
