I really dont know how to feel about this.
One of the aspects of the game i really liked was that you actually had to do some planning on your char and that the choices meant something in the sense that you cant be a god of all.
At lvl 30 you still are very powerfull and with carefull management of perks, skillbooks and a high INT stat you can boost a lot of skills.
But still you couldnt master everything.
I came out with my five favourite skills at 100(Speech,guns,lockpick,science,repair) and still had enough to boost survival,med,sneak above 50 and develop energy weapons and explosives above 70. (though this includes most skill books)
The skills i shunned where all melee skills and barter.
But i poured some points into Barter to make it an even number and for some skill checks with the use of magazines.
Having 20 more levels, some more skillbooks(you can more or less be sure that each dlcs will have some) my char will probably max out every skill..high INT chars could even end up with more points than they can actually spend....kinda disapointing and breaking.
Didnt heard about that "level cap perk" but it sound like a very lazy fix.
Dont really like the picture im seeing here.
Kudos for
Jeez, it's bad enough that wild wasteland is a trait.
Exactly, very strange decision.
What the augmented level cap will really do is just remove completely any resemblance of limitations. You WILL become a master of everything, regardless of your initial build.
Feel the same way about this.