Do You Believe a Facebook Post Can Inspire Change? Me Neither


You Have Alerted the Horse
so basically I made a post on Facebook telling my feelings about 76. It won’t change anything or even ever be relevant, but at least it’s out there. You know, like voting in a rigged election. You know that what you don’t want to happen is gonna, but you feel better doing it.

What I will say is that having played the beta after gamesharing it on PS4, I can say thoroughly that it’s 4, but you get to play it with other fucktards. Hooray.
Nothing is going to stop the franchise from going downhill at this point, I'm afraid. I'm personally ambivalent on Sawyer and fairly OK with Avellone, but either or both would absolutely be preferable to Hines and Howard and whatever monkeys they have mashing keys furiously in the Bethesda offices.

But I mean, yeah, Fallout's dead. Been dead for years, New Vegas was literally like seeing a ghost.
But I mean, yeah, Fallout's dead. Been dead for years, New Vegas was literally like seeing a ghost.
And it was tantalizing as shit. Having gone back to the original Fallout games then playing New Vegas again, it makes me realize that New Vegas was like a glimpse into the direction we all wish the series could’ve gone, with Hines, Howard and the Chimp Crew putting Fallout back into the hands of those who created it.

I dunno man. New Vegas was orgasmic and 4 was, well I found it fun, but it wasn’t Fallout.

And 76 is a literal pile of dog shit next to 4. And that’s really saying something.
The brand is dead, but the torch is carried by fans.

There will probably be other post-apoc franchises that come and go (WL2 wasn't terrible - not great, but not terrible) but beyond fangames (and have fun dealing with Bethesda's litigious ass, btw) I'm not sure there's a place to carry the torch TO.
I'm not sure there's a place to carry the torch TO.
*insert cliche about carrying it within your heart here*

In seriousness though, I believe @naossano is right. There are always gonna be classic Fallout fans, and so long as we exist there’s a torch. We just need to find our Prometheus.
Mods and spiritual successors.
Both need more coverage from NMA than the Beth branded titles which already have millions of money on marketing.
That’s fair. There are so many talented modders that I love; SomeGuy, NMA’s own Cobra Commander, etc. They’re a good vehicle for keeping Fallout alive. I just wish Beth didn’t try to stick their cock in the mod community through that “creation club” shit. Ten fucking bucks or so for the Fallout 3 Enclave armor for Fanfic 4. Are they fucking high?!
Reminds me of a meme I made. Combined the Vault Tec rep with Howard and layered it over my face. You’re welcome.


Though now that you mention it... I see what you mean about his eyes.
It really is something to watch something you love go down the shitter. You'd think I'd be used to it by now, but every time it happens/persists I still find some font of anger to draw from. But fuck is it heartbreaking to see Bethesda stick their corruptive tendrils into anything they produce. They can't even stop themselves from ruining their own IPs anymore. At best, I can ignore Fanfic 3/4/76 and hope it goes away.

Well, Hines is just outright fucking retarded
They need to dissect that troglodyte in a lab and find out what the fuck is wrong with him.

Ten fucking bucks or so for the Fallout 3 Enclave armor for Fanfic 4.
The fucking Fo3 Enclave's PA gets worse the further down you go. Mecha-batman if you squint.
The fucking Fo3 Enclave's PA gets worse the further down you go. Mecha-batman if you squint.

The worst part about the Enclave PA in FO3 is that it stylistically rips off parts of the FO:T BoS PA and just paints it charcoal-grey. Not even the most baffling decision they made, but baffling nevertheless.
Pretty sure DC has done it at some point.
Don’t doubt it. That’s another series that’s been drawn to death and yet still has a legion of fans that love it unconditionally. The Death of the Family story arc from a few years back has been hailed as some Garth Ennis-level-shit, so I read it and it blows. Like badly. Like even the Joker (my favorite fictional character of all time) is just... boring. It’s not fun to read, imo. And people still praise it as the Second Coming. Like people do for Bethesda.
It needs to be understood that Bethesda absolutely does not think of any of us (as Fallout fans) as their target audience anymore and I'm pretty sure you could easily coax Hines into openly admitting as much.
I mean he's pretty openly said that even his own fan's opinions don't matter.
It'd almost be understandable if the critiques weren't literal calls to make a half fucking decent rpg. The thing they love to bullshit that they make. Its like going to a pizza place and being served a cream-cheese turnover, the chefs refusing to acknowledge what a pizza even is, and then saying he won't even take your critique on his crumbly, dry ass turnover.
Pete Hines is a literal prick. I can’t remember if it was him or not, but SOMEONE kept going on about fucking beards during one of the press conferences for Skyrim, and every time someone asked about the character creation and such he’d go on and on about the beard selection because Oblivion didn’t have em.

Oblivion was a better RPG, ironically, despite the voice actors all giving negative fucks about the project. Most memeable game of all time imho.
Pete Hines is a literal prick. I can’t remember if it was him or not, but SOMEONE kept going on about fucking beards during one of the press conferences for Skyrim, and every time someone asked about the character creation and such he’d go on and on about the beard selection because Oblivion didn’t have em.

Oblivion was a better RPG, ironically, despite the voice actors all giving negative fucks about the project. Most memeable game of all time imho.

Low bar to clear, but yes. Oblivion becomes downright playable with the right mods. I think the only use I ever developed for Skyrim after the single mandatory completionist run (and a single run is all I fucking cared to do) was dicking around with LoversLab shit for shiggles.