At the Risk of showing my affection for old school games, does anyone remember the Ultima Series boxes. Damn they were good.
We got a Manual, Quick set up guide, (ok boring i know) but then we got a work of fiction and a cloth map, cloth for crying out loud. Also i think it was ultima 7, but there was a coin. A big chunky coin. Not even the collectors edition either, just the standard one.
The Elite series had good stuff in em too. Frontier First Encounters (Elite 3) came with a detailed guide to all the ships in the game, manual (which detailed the mathematical equations behind the newtonian flight physics, well the basic ones anyway) and a series of stories.
Planescape torment got you a damn novel. Literally.
This proves two things:
1) My gaming golden age happened long ago.
2)I keep too much stuff
It also goes to show that the age when gaming was a select hobby played by a few dedicated people, playing games made by amateur enthusiasts turned pro has long since departed. Replaced by publishers calling the shots to appeal to the largest group of consumers.
Yes i miss boxes, but more importantly i miss the era and ethos that boxes represent.

I've made myself quite sad now.