Do you Pay full price for games?

I only buy console games full price.

Mostly, because I haven't been interested in PC games lately. There just haven't been any I think I would like.
You know, last time I checked the local stores, Fallout: BOS is still going for $55 US. I'd consider purchasing it (see how bad it is for my own eyes), but only for bottom dollar.

There are a few games that I pay full price for. I know what games I really want before they come out, those I purchase soon as possible. The ones I'm content with, I wait until the price falls somewhat. Basically, I'm like everyone else here who isn't a complete cheapskate.

Then there are European games, I usually import those from England. So I get around United States censorship, and it's usually much quicker than waiting for an American publisher to get the game out. Even though it costs a bit more, nothing too bad in my opinion.
It varies from game to game. Games I really was looking forward to (Fallout 2, Diablo 2, Black & White (mistake), and Arcanum) I willingly put down the full price. Typically though I wait a few years to pick up a game for about a 10th of the price, or buy it used for about half the price.
@Kotario: I just saw POS at EbGames for 24.99 USD. Used copies were 14.99 USD.
Really "Dresses-Like-Woman" (*Snicker* I love it!)? Because the prices I was quoting was from an EBGames, and they had no used copies. The other local stores that carry PS2 games (Best Buy, Software Ect, F.Y.E., and even KBToys), they don't have any copies at all.

Not that I was specifically looking for it; tried every store near me looking for a copy of Disgaea... so much for that; not a single copy (though EBGames does carry it, just sold out). Decided to check for Fallout: BOS as well, along for everything else on my little list.
I usually buy games which are budget priced to begin with. Eg. Chrome, Chaser, both FPS which aren't really the greatest, but provide some fun. I bought the game gothic 2 for $40 i think.

blah blah!

I bought fallout tactics used from EB, and the fallout 1 and 2 in the dual case from walmart. i seem to be attracted mostly to sci fi games. heh.

weiner weiner!

I bought unreal 2 and ut2k3 last november i think for $20 each, which is good, opposed to paying around $50 each. Both werent that great games to begin with, but its always nice to seehow the series is doing.

ruff! ruff!

The only games ive payed full price on this past year really were max payne 2, republic: the revolution, and masters of orion 3. 2 out of 3 of these games really sucked (can you guess which one!) and the 3rd really wasn't my cup of tea.


i like it when companies like eidos released the hitman series and deus ex jewel cases for $10 each. great games, though obviously meant to snare you to purchase the sequals.
I'm an eBay guy. I usually grab used games off of ebay for cheap. Sometimes they try to gouge you for shipping though. Bastards.
I bought Black and White at full price. I hated that game as well. However, over the course of 6 or so months it was taking up space on my computer I put at least 10 hours into the game. Lets say I payed $60 for it. That is $6 for an hour of entertainment. That is pretty good. Hell, going to a movie is useally $10 for an hour.

Anyway, even at full price, video games are one of the cheapest entertainment venues known to man so I have no problem paying full price for them, even though I am a broke ass college student.
He-he :lol: Western gamers have so big problems with paying for game realises...
In Russia this problem was solved by pirates many years ago...
For example:
I paid for:
Thief III - 2 euro
Manhunt - 1.7 euro
Max Payne II - 1.7 euro
F:BOS - 4 euro (I hate this game....) :x :evil: :evil:
Wooz69 said:
Piracy is a major problem in Poland, so distribution companies try to make games as cheap as possible.

Smart move! :!:

Seriously, if only more people/corporate executives thought like the polish...(At least about videogame prices :P )
Why did BOS cost more than the other games?

I think that pirates thought that it`s cool game and fallout fans would pay for it more than for other games :lol: It was a mistake... :twisted:
F:BOS - suXX...I hate it... :evil:
Brutulf said:
Wooz69 said:
Piracy is a major problem in Poland, so distribution companies try to make games as cheap as possible.

Smart move! :!:

Seriously, if only more people/corporate executives thought like the polish...(At least about videogame prices :P )

The problem is, if prices become normally cheaper... eventually people will start complaining about that being too high :). At least I think... though lower prices are always okay with me. And Orlangur... I think piracy talk is not allowed though you aren't giving sources so... i dunno, I don't know the fine print of the site.
So Orlangur, you believe that people who spend years working on a game, hoping to be paid back for their efforts, should be stiffed of that revenue: just so you can enjoy their creation without paying for it?
Kotario said:
So Orlangur, you believe that people who spend years working on a game, hoping to be paid back for their efforts, should be stiffed of that revenue: just so you can enjoy their creation without paying for it?

Seconded, though I've given up on persuading people otherwise. As I see more and more of my friends carrying burned copies of everything from music to games... I accepted the fact that all my badgering is in vain :-\. Of course, the thiefs won't have any qualms about complaining when the companies that made the favorite games they jacked go bankrupt.
So Orlangur, you believe that people who spend years working on a game, hoping to be paid back for their efforts, should be stiffed of that revenue: just so you can enjoy their creation without paying for it?

All of the games from my post upper were not officially realised for russian gamers...So, if pirates wount make their copies from western realises, I will play only in tetris...

P.S. Western game developers make horrible mistake, when they think that in Russia nobody will be able to buy game disk for
25-35 $. As for me - I can. Many of my friends can too.
I'm a tad suspicious, since there are dedicated Russian game developers, creating their games soley for a Russian market. If that market didn't exist, why would they bother?

Do these Pirates also localize and translate games? Because, if they don't, you could have the exact same results by importing games (and it would be legal and moral).
I still challenge someone to show me a cheaper form of entertainment (Other than tv/cable I guess).

sorry i could not resist