Do you think Fallout 3 is guilty pleasure?

I guess it *could* be (after tons of mods), but I'm pretty sure it won't run on WIN 10. It's a decent game if you completely turn your brain off and say "fuck it, let's blast some muties!" But in no way would I try to play it in any serious manner.

I think it runs on Windows 10 for *some* people. It looks when you install off of Steam it attempts to install Games for Windows Live, but it doesn't actually use it. After that GFWL installation procedure it runs directly off of Steam *allegedly*

Does New Vegas have the same Windows 10 problem? Because I'm planning on going back into that game.
I actually really like vanilla F3. The RPG aspects are of course not as amazing as in NV, but still they're present. There are decisions to be made, you can play different type of characters like being evil and I really, really like the BOS in this. You feel associated to them when you join, because you've probably met them before in Falls Chuch or Galaxy News Radio and helped them. They were kind of badass due to their Power Armors, so you wanted to join them as well. After joining them there were still some nice things to do, like fithing off raiders in Arlington Library or conquering Fort Bannister in that unlisted quest. And exploring the downtown of DC all alone with Super Mutants being around felt quite charming too.

Also Point Lookout was a really great addon. :look:

Edit: Oh, and I liked that acquiring the standard T51b as well as medic T45d medic variant or the MIRV launcher was entirely optional. So it really meant something to you when you found these items.
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I think if you enjoy the exploration aspect of Bethesda's games you'll find yourself enjoying Fallout 3. I recently finished Fallout 1 and enjoyed it just as much as Fallout 3 if not more, but for different reasons. They're both very different games.
I just couldn't get into FO3 no matter what. Everything feels so cliche: the green tint, the post-apocalyptic feel, the shallowness of the quests, the gameplay...

Wandering around the Capital Wasteland was one of the most boring things I've ever done in a video game. Looking back at finding my way out of the subway tunnels makes me cringe.

So, no. FO3 will never be any sort of pleasure for me.
Can't even get the piece of shit to work with the mods i have or whatever, I just stick to not being a massive masochist.

Fallout 3 is easily the worst RPG i've ever played.

This I've never played a game that crashes and becomes so unstable after modding that it requires you to have massive mod lists and load orders.
I played through Fallout 3 once. Tried to play it again after New Vegas and just couldn't. Combat was awful, everything had that green tint to it so I felt like my eyesight had gone off, characters were dull and the exploration was unrewarding. I remember next to nothing about it other than a few select characters and quests, mainly just through conversations here though. Not because they were memorable. Never played the DLCs. Even before Vegas, when I was playing it the first time round I had no interest in playing them.

Skyrim was insultingly bad. No interesting characters. No interesting places. No interesting or original magic or weapons or anything. I sunk hours into that POS trying to find something worth doing. Only completed the Companions and Dark Brotherhood stuff. Never finished the main quest, the civil war quests, the Mage's Guild or the Thieve's Guild. Never touching the game again. I am amazed that, after Skyrim, people were actually hyped for Fallout 4.

Sorry, went off on a tangent about Skyrim there. In response to the topic at hand, no, I don't understand how Fallout 3 could be considered a guilty pleasure. It's just dull (and today looks pretty ugly).